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Saturday, April 27, 2013

You're So Special and I Love You

I don't know how to write some lines about love. All I know is this feelings keep bugging me all the time. Perhaps it's because everything was magical since I was awaken. And I didn't mean that to happen to me. Very unique kind of love, a special kind of love I have never felt before. That extraordinary kind of love I have for you is what make you special. That soulful love for you empowers me of my whole being. And if you listen to your heart, you know that I love you, and you know that it's me.

You crawl into my dreams, and that every dream I have for you lets me yearn for more and wishing that every night when I am asleep you are always there for me. Yes I live in dreams, I live in fantasy where there was never ending story.

The guides in heaven are telling me that it's you, that I have found you. But my mind keeps arguing against my heart which made me confuse who to believe - my heart or my mind.

But I'm hurting so much because my experience was vague. It might be true for me, but not for you and what hurts me more is my fear being wake up one day, my hopes for you to love me are gone.   Yes I am not expecting anything from you to reciprocate the love I have for you.

But I just wanna let you know that you're special and I love you so much...

Sameera Chathuranga

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