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Saturday, April 13, 2013

What Is Life Without Facebook

I'm so addicted with Facebook and I know that I'm not the only one who is saying this. I started using Facebook account in 2008 but I was not quite active yet because during that time, I used my Friendster account often. But I'm not even addicted to Friendster as most of the time I surf the net and that was for some reasons. I seldom open my Facebook and mostly you can find my family members and closed friends in my friend's list.  But when I was in the States 4 years ago, that made me a little bit more active but not into my first Facebook account. I opened another account and this has been used often up to these days rather than the first one. Of course got a few friends first until such time it multiplied and got some new online friends where communication is shared through my wall posts. I have reserved the previous account exclusively for my family members as well as my closed friends.

Now, what is life for me without Facebook? Honestly, I couldn't really figure out what my answer is. Without Facebook, maybe I couldn't vent, or say what my sentiments are. And I feel so connected with some other people in Facebook that I couldn't leave them just like that. Maybe I am not updated politically, religiously and personally. Maybe, no pictures to post in the timeline or album and I believe my concentration is on my blog site writing a lot of things as I normally would. Maybe I wouldn't meet some like-minded people and the path that I am partaking would be different.

There seemed to be everything in Facebook unlike any other networking sites and that is why, the community was so huge. It let's everyone to be reunited with their long lost friends, loved ones and families. It made a lot of connections that can be beneficial is some ways.

So everything is in the Facebook as of this time, but we wouldn't know until when we will be able to use this networking site that is revolutionary in nature. Maybe is another site is being developed which is much better than Facebook, possibly it may be the end of the era.

I would be doing something else without Facebook, maybe spend most of the time outside or doing another business.

But through Facebook, my path has changed a lot, for I found my spiritual journey through this site that I could never imagined that it would happen to me. I feel very connected in the realm and some useful were installed by some people who are on the same journey as mine. And maybe without Facebook, my journey would be different. So everything happened for a reason that the Universe have ever made possible in this networking site and it served its purpose to let everyone know that through the site the journey has just begun with a single step to self realization.

Sameera Chathuranga

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