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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Passing Ship In Our Life

In this life journey, you will get to meet a lot of people. Some will stay forever, some will be in the mid-point and some will be there for you in a short period of time. Whatever purposes that these people have been brought to us, most probably we pick up some valuable lessons from them that may serve us for our own growth.  Life is a full of mystery indeed that we don't really know what tomorrow is going to bring us and perhaps this could be one of your fears that is surfacing you and that is why we have to face it in the "NOW" moment and to let go of our fears. That 'NOW" is to find ways how we can face the problems and the core solutions as to what is surfacing in the present time. We are weighed down by the past and that is because we are vulnerable to fears. What is essential is to find the solutions by facing it today and we progress if we try to monitor our thoughts and actions.

We always experience the passing ship in our life and that lets us evolve of who we are. We learn and we grow from our past experiences and mistakes but if we take a look back on these pasts, is what we can always assess what we have gone through in this life. We will always have these memories as we always become conscious about it.

We may not be perfect and that is why we learn from the past that we can make ourselves close to perfect.

Sameera Chathuranga

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