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Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Want To Live In Batanes

 It's been over a year now since the last time I visited Batanes Island where I spent 8 days in that blissful place. Paradase - is what I describe the place, but internally, I have this indescribable feeling overriding me the moment I think about the place. The beauty of the setting sun and the picture-perfect is what makes me remind of the few moments I spent in that island found in the north as you can hear the sound of the roaring sea is like a music to my ear.

During the course of my traveling experience in the Philippines, I have never seen such paradise as Batanes even Boracay will never surpass its beauty.Not a typical commercialized beach resort and that's the good thing about its local they were able to preserve the island's natural beauty, and it was never altered to become a commercial tourist destination. The aura of the island magnetizes a traveler like me to come back and spend more time, know more about the place itself, and of course the warmth people of Batanes-the Ivatan.

My curiosity in Batanes started when I saw the place on T.V. with Armida Segiuon - Reyna show's called "Aawitan Kita", several years back. Then I craved when my I traveled to places and the good about the internet and reading about the blogger's experience and seeing some of the photos is what made me become more interested. I made some few researches, planned the whole thing for over 6 months and then, that was it!

I feel the good vibes in Batanes. The serenity of the place, and the simple life of the indigenous Ivatan  are some of the deciding factors that attract me to spend some time in Batanes. Of course the fresh vegetables which I intend to become a pure vegetarian soon.

I know I am in the spiritual awakening and reflection is being needed to someone like me so I could commune to the beauty of nature and rusticating is such a wonderful experience that I could ever have. In that way, I would become more attached to the nature as this gives more energy for my own being.

As we enter the year 2013, is a time to make up my mind to some few things that I really want to do and focus on before I can truly make myself conditioned to pick up these broken pieces and the things I have missed out. I want to live in Batanes for quite some time. I would need a lot of preparations to implement the plan and that would take some time. This time, living in Batanes would focus about myself, meditating and praying. In that way, I have a solid foundation of myself as soon as I am ready to come back and shine again, be whole and ready to face my own destiny.

Sameera Chathuranga

11 Responses So Far:

Kirk Nicart said...

this is so cool. good luck john.

john said...

Hi Kirk, thank you so much! Good luck to you as well!



Anonymous said...

Hi John,

Are you living now in Batanes? I am also planning to live there someday when my family obligations are done and if I saved enough money to build a small house there.

Actually, I am planning to "Hikikomori" there.

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

Are you living now in Batanes? I am also planning to live there someday when my family obligations are done and if I saved enough money to build a small house there.

Actually, I am planning to "Hikikomori" there.

Proud Pinoy said...

Hi John,

Let us know if your plan to stay put in Batanes has actually materialized. I also dream of this as well. I will leave the crazy city called Manila and will take my mountain bike with me, along with a few other necessities.

"Just do it!"


Proud Pinoy said...

Hi John,

Let us know if your plan to stay put in Batanes has actually materialized. I also dream of this as well. I will leave the crazy city called Manila and will take my mountain bike with me, along with a few other necessities.

"Just do it!"


Unknown said...

we have common dreams guys... Hope we can fulfill it together.

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

Lets leave everything behind and stay in Batanes instead.

Lets go.


Anonymous said...

What i'd give to be able to live there permanently.

Unknown said...

does anyone here living now in batanes? planning to check batanes qhen i get back, and fulfill my dream living there.

Siti said...

me too...john, i would like to hear more from you