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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas In Manila Bay

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!.

Just yesterday, I was in Manila Bay in Roxas Blvd where I took some shots of the setting sun. The photo shoot I have done was quite success since I was able to catch the sun before it disappears from the bay. But unfortunately during the night time, taking a shot for the river lights was not quite good, for it was my first time to do it.

As this day is Christmas, I came back to the bay for another photo shoot but the sun was hiding. So I waited  for the night time and successfully I was able to manually set my camera for a city light and river flow shots. It turned out to be good though. Below is my shot for the the city light done while I was up on the bridge and I think this was good enough though.

Sameera Chathuranga

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