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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Simbang Gabi

I can't remember the last time I attended the Simbang Gabi, prior to attending the mass this early morning. I can't even remember who I was with that time, whether I was with my family or friends, memories are vague and not a single facet I could recall in time. As far as I know, it was ages ago since the last time I did the Simbang Gabi. I was not even a devotee and to tell you honestly, I always find myself being bored during the mass. So I go to church whenever I feel going not following the Sunday service. Just the way I feel comfortable going to church is only the time I go on my own way. My family, especially from my father's side was a pure devotee, especially my lolas who were strict in terms of novena. To mention that my lola, my father's mom, was one of the hermanas and founder of Our Lady of Biglang Awa in Boac, Marinduque. My late aunt was a nun and other aunties were also a pure devotee.

Anyway just this morning I went to Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi, and it was the first day of the said commemoration and I went as early as 4 in the morning. Was there not for curiosity but of course I wanted to feel like how it was to attend the said mass again during the yuletide season. I was so excited and I brought with me my camera for the mass and took some shots of the church and the people. The mass was full and a lot of people were outside since it was already out of space inside the church. The church was a Parish in Cainta, Rizal where I almost grew up and spent my whole life in the town.

In that course, I never skipped buying the famous "puto bumbong" and this delicacy has been popular especially in the yuletide season. For more than an hour I spent there but I didn't finish the mass, so I did a little bit prayer. It was also my first time to go to Cainta Parish Church when Christmas. But as what I was telling, I could no longer remember the last time I went to misa de gallo.

Sameera Chathuranga

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