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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Now December

Wow, it's hard to believe, it's already December and that means Christmas Season! Well am I excited? yeah why not. Time really flies so fast that we've been aware that 24 more days to come and again, we celebrate Christmas once again. Some of us reminds us when we were kids and how we celebrate the yuletide season with your amily. It makes us reminisce our childhood years, and maybe we thought that we were still little kids when we used to receive special gifts from our loved ones. Reminds me too when I was small, our family including uncle, auntie and cousins we used to have a reunion. This may be the thought that you once had but of course we had lots more about our kid experience.

Thinking about last Christmas, not really a good once because you know something happened to one of the members of our family, when my brother passed. Things from the past though makes me understand that life should be like that, the good and the bad things happened to us and how we've learned from our experiences, cope up with the problem that life has bring.

I was thinking about my spiritual awakening triggered to me after the death of my brother. The experience was already there before hand and at the same time, I never thought that some important people will come into your life orchestrated by the Universe as part of the divine plan. I'm talking also about my connection too . And awakening started in the mid year of 2011 when I noticed seeing number sequences like 11:11 in digital clocks, my cellular phone, plate numbers like 111, 222, 333, etc. It all started from there, triggered with some situations.

But you know what, I've never thought I would gone this far, for I believe I was already spiritually enlightened. I can feel the energy. Although some emotional situation is still there but I know I've come to pass the stage.

Recently, I was assigned as a travel photography in the event held in Boracay, Aklan bumping to a life coach in the airport prior to arriving to Boracay. She was the trainor of the Boot Camp there, introducing herself as Business and Life Coach of that event where I was invited as official photographer while in Manila. A friend responsible for tours who handled the event already gave me some insights about her few weeks before the event, and I even mentioned to my friend that I wanted to meet her. And there she goes, it happened while unexpectedly I was assigned to be the photographer of the Boot Camp.

During the course of that event, I was listening, though never part of it, it's just that I picked up something valuable that has to be applied in my recent situation, She is light to talk with, possesses great wisdom and positive outlook in life. It was nice talking to her learning a lot of things from her.

Well this could be one of the divine purpose given to me by the universe meeting some important people in my life.

In the path I am partaking, I've known too much and was enlightened now ready to take another course in life in my spiritual journey.

Sameera Chathuranga

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