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Sunday, April 7, 2013

What Makes Your Travel Experience Enjoyable?

If your passion is traveling to different places, I'm sure that you like every moments of your journey to be memorable. You love to rusticate because each place offers a unique experience, aside from the learning you have gotten from you trips. To some, it doesn't matter how expensive it is to travel as long as they enjoyed the trip with less or without hassle of what is going to happen.

Traveling doesn't have to be expensive as long as you want it and you can stretch out your budget without worrying where to get the funds out of your tight budget. That is why it is very important to plan out your trip and make sure that you'll have everything get covered by your budget. It is always best to best to project how how much you are going to spend, just before you get to the places that you are planning for. And extra cash should be allocated in case you have an emergency.

But what makes your travel memorable? I am just only sharing what I have experienced and each one of us has a unique travel experience. When I travel, I always want it to be done alone. But it doesn't mean that I won't enjoy it. What matters most is your experience, whether you are with your friends or alone.

There are things that are property to your traveling experience that you want to bring it with you. For me it is so important to bring your camera, and if you don't have one, your cellular phone camera might work. This is to record the places that you have been and sooner these photos will remind you about your traveling experience.

If you have a blog, I'm sure you want to write your experience. With the photos that you have, you would want to post it in your blog. And I am sure also that you have a Facebook account so that you want to post these photos in your Facebook wall. You can write notes on it and describe how your traveling experience was.

These are just some of the tools that you want to consider when traveling and course the experience itself is the most important aspect in your trip.

In your traveling experience, some hassles are unavoidable. If the room you have gotten did not meet your expectations, that should nos suppose to affect your travel experience. Rooms are just rooms but the life of your enjoyment is outside the corners of a room.

Your dining experience is part of your traveling package just make sure that you are prepared something that your stomach might ruin your trips. Choosing the right foods of what you are about to eat and you need to be extra careful on that especially the place where you take your foods.

Planning what spots you want to go when you are already in your travel destination comes first so this is why, you need to organize your itinerary so that you won't miss anything that is a tourist spot otherwise if you miss it, then chances are, it might have spoiled your travel experience. It may possibly affect your entire trip. Ask the local which parts of the place are tourist attraction and they could help you for that.

I am not into activities. I am just to experience what the place has to offer. Some people might want to have sporting activities as part of their traveling package. I usually want to see the scenery why I want to go to places. Nature works best for me like beaches, mountains and forests. So indulging to see the scenery are my needs why I want to go out and travel, take pictures and write my experience in my blog.

Sameera Chathuranga

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