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Monday, April 22, 2013

Mixed Emotions

I've been quite busy for the past few days because of my photo shoot projects with the film "Landas" produced by GMA-7 Public Affairs and News which is slated to be aired by May 5, 2013 on GMA-7. I had my one hand full in editing but at the same time quite fun as I saw the photo's I've taken during the 2-day shooting scene. I saw the production team how they work and at the end of the day they ended up with a common goal just to make the film beautiful

Anyway I got some photo projects before I leave going to the U.S. which this kind of synchronicity made me think how the Universe work in a mysterious way. I'll just go with the flow and let the Universe takes me to the right direction as I always trust the Source since then. Honestly I had some mixed emotions lingering in both the heart and mind and I just don't know why I always had to feel this way. Sometimes I wonder if this emotion is mine or I'm just feeling someone's emotion. That keeps me hanging that I think of something then I feel sad. I am looking for the answers just to verify what's in my thought, confirm if being emotional was mine or not. I could probably be an empath.

It's hard though to feel this way everyday and I would be more happy to find out where this emotion come from. without any judgement. I'll be happy if there was a sort of confirmation. I would understand more about it, and the feelings I get, should I get the lead source.

Aside from these emotions that I had, often times I had this hot feet or hot flashes. I've been experiencing this one for over a year now since my spiritual awakening occurred. Too hot though and sometimes I get sun burns on my skin.

Mood for today? Of course I'm quite sad, and quite happy.

Sameera Chathuranga

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