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Friday, December 11, 2015

The Lizard Experience

This week experience was quite mystical. It’s not new to me to have this experience happened for some occasions. About this week, the lizard fell on my head three times while I was lying in my bed on 3 different ocassions. And then one day, the lizard came to my shoulder while I was sleeping. Just last night I put my Samsung mobile phone just beside my bed when I was about to sleep. And then I heard a noise. a sound of a keypad when you are typing. On the screen of the mobile phone was several applications including the calculator. When I heard the noise, it was a lizard tapping the screen of my cell phone. I found out that the lizard touched the calculator and to surprise it was tapped to a calculator with the number 2s for 17 times. That means the calculator showed like this: 22222222222222222. It happened around 12:50 a.m. After 30 minutes I heard another sound and saw the lizard tapping the screen of my mobile phone and touched the calculator once again. Still the number 2 was tapped 9 times showing like this: 222222222. It’s being take note that the screen of my cell phones have a lot of application and to my surprise it seemed that the calculator was the favorite apps that the lizard tapped with the number 2 touched several times. This was my lizard experience. Lizard is said to have a power to regenerate, clairvoyance, instinct, etc.
I would consider this experience has a kind of mysticism, and lizard has its own symbol.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

It's All About Love

Yes, it's all about love, regardless of who the person is. It's all about love even his belief is different from others. It's all about love even when a person criticize you because you have a different belief and go against the winds.  After all, it's not about what or who you are, and at the end of the day, love conquers everything.  If a person criticizes you something, it doesn't mean you will love this person. Is love suppose to be unconditional and not selective.  How do you raise someone's energy? By loving him/her regardless of what he/she believes in.  Love is about harmony aside from being unconditional.  Try to accept it if he is playing a different tune.

It's all about love, and you should not be blinded because of indulging yourself to something.  Just accept things as it is then love becomes unconditional..it's all about love which breaks the barrier of the wall between different world.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Buy Pinoy Exhibit in Glorietta

Probably this may be my last entry for this month because I don't have much activity to deal with. Although I am not busy, I can't write anything in my blog as if my mind could not find anything to write.  

Last Sunday I was invited to go to Glorietta Mall in Ayala, Makati for the Buy Pinoy Exporters' Fair slated from August 17 to 23.  A friend who is one of the exhibitors took me there and supposedly it was scheduled earlier from the date that I went.

She took me there late in the afternoon and we egress at 8:30 p.m. the time when the mall usually starts to close.  I have witnessed how the booths were set up by the exhibitors and the experience how it feels like it is being there as an exhibitor.  This fair is all about the Filipino products like decors, food and beverages, furniture and furnishing, garments and accessories, housewares, organic products, health and wellness, etc.  As long as it is a Filipino products, you can participate in the event through the organizers.

I was invited by my friend to participate in the next exhibit but I think of a unique product that I am going to sell should I participate next time.

Exhibitors in their booth where some people look for the products
tasting what Cordillera Coffee can offer to their customers
The seller shows Arabica coffee and Kape Musang
The top view where you can see some exhibits in the mall
Some paintings being sold at the exhibit
Food exhibits are my favorite spot..lol
Some local wines

Friday, August 28, 2015

Life Is A Mirror

Life Is A Mirror
         One day, a Genie appeared to a woman and said, "This is your lucky day!  I will give you 3 wishes.”
         "Yeheey!” the woman squealed.
         "But on one condition,” said the Genie, "Whatever you ask for, your husband will receive 3 times more.”
         The woman frowned, "What?  But I hate my husband!  He's a despicable man!”
         The Genie shook his head.  "I'm sorry.  I'm the Love Genie.  I repeat: What you ask for, your husband will receive 3 times more.”
         The woman said, "Oh, okay.  My first wish: Make me very rich.  I want $1 Million.”
         The Genie asked, "Are you sure?  Your husband will have $3 Million.”
         She says, "Oh, never mind.  What is his is mine and what is mine is his.”
         "Very well then!” the Genie said, and with a wave of his hand, "Poof!” and the woman had $1 Million—and her husband had $3 Million.
         "My second request is that I want to be very beautiful.”
         The Genie asked, "Are you sure?  Your husband will look like Piolo Pascual and John Lloyd and Daniel Padilla put together.  This is very dangerous.  The girls will flock to him.”
         The woman said, "Just as long as I'll be beautiful.”
         And with the wave of his hand, "Poof!” and she became utterly beautiful and the husband three times more handsome.
         The woman then said, "For the third wish, I would like to have a very mild heart attack…”
         Here's the lesson: Whatever you give to yourself, you give to others more.
         If you like yourself, you'll like others too.
         If you dislike yourself, you'll dislike others too.
         Because life is a mirror.  What you see in others is a reflection of what you see in yourself.
         I've met very critical people.  Sometimes, I think they feel that they were born to criticize others.  It's their life mission.  All they do is size up everyone they meet and point out their mistakes.  Where does this critical spirit come from?  In their heart of hearts, I believe they don't like themselves.  And they project this self-criticalness on others. 
         This "disliking ourselves” is more widespread than we think…
It's An Epidemic
         At their inner core, people don't feel good about themselves.  Like background music playing 24 hours a day, people inflict upon themselves self-rejection, self-doubt, self-contempt.
         It's an epidemic in the world today, and it's robbing people of much happiness.
         Where does this sickness of self-hatred come from?
         Self-hatred comes from fear.  After all, hate is fear.  We hate what we fear.
         Specifically, we fear we're not enough.  Bottom line, we fear we're unloved.
         And when we don't like ourselves, we try to solve it by many common false solutions.  For lack of space, let me give you two here.  One is having Status Symbols.  The other is Religious Performance.
Collecting Status Symbols
         I know a lot of people who clutch, grab, and collect Status Symbols.
         I remember the story of the guy with a BMW.  After parking, as he opened the door, another car crashed it and ripped out his door—together with his entire arm.
         When the police came, they saw the guy looking at his mashed up BMW and crying, "My car!  My car!  It's gone…”
         The police said, "Excuse me sir, but don't you realize that your arm is gone?”
         The man looked at where his arm was supposed to be, and when he saw nothing, began to cry, "Oh my gosh!  Where's my Rolex?”
         Some are so attached with their Status Symbols.
         You see these people walking in malls.  Shirt by Lacoste.  Shoes by Bally.  Watch by Rolex.  Waistline by Lechon Kawali. 
         I was talking to a friend who wore a Rolex watch.  I asked him, "I'm curious.  Why are you wearing a P300,000 watch on wrist?”
         His answer made me very sad.  He said, "Honestly?  To make me feel like somebody.  To make me feel good about myself.”
         Wow.  If I want to feel good, I breathe.  I smile.  I pray.  I love.
         Let me give you another false solution to not liking ourselves…
We Make God In Our Image
         The other false solution is Religious Performance.
         When we don't like ourselves, some get into religious practices to appease a God that they believe also doesn't like them.  Why?
         Because life is a mirror. 
         Because we make God in our image and likeness. 
         Because we project our self-hatred on God.
         For years, I used to be like this.  I prayed, read the Bible, and did my religious work because I wanted the approval of an angry God.
         No more.
         I do all these because He loved me first.  (1 John 4:19)
         So how do you start liking yourself a lot?
         May your dreams come true,
         Bo Sanchez

Friday, July 31, 2015

Characteristic of a Psychopath

I've searched "psychopath in the internet and here's an interesting topic about psychopath.  Maybe you don't know that you are already a victim of psychopath. But just be aware.

Hare psychopathy checklist

Robert Hare, in his book 'Without Conscience', lists the characteristics of a psychopath that he uses as part of his checklist. This Hare psychopathy checklist is a complex clinical tool used in the clinical evaluation to determine if someone is a psychopath or not. Just because somebody has some of these traits does not make them a psychopath!
Psychopathy is best thought of as a syndrome, a cluster of characteristics.
Hare divides the characteristics into two groups. Firstly are the personal and emotional characteristics of a psychopath, and secondly are the features of the antisocial lifestyle.
Let's have a look at the first group.

Glib and superficial

Psychopaths tend to talk a lot. They know how to read people and can be funny and entertaining and they are often boasting, telling stories about how good they are. The stories may be unconvincing but they somehow manage to present themselves as likeable and charming. For some people, however, the psychopath is too smooth, or is simply playing a role.
The psychopath can often talk about any subject as if he were an expert, often even using the jargon. Some of them do it so well, and with such confidence, that they can even fool psychologists, experts in this field, who know they're talking to a psychopath!
And at the same time, some of the serial killers talk about their crimes in gory detail with almost no emotion. People who experience this find it very unnerving.

It's all about Me

Psychopaths tend to have enormous egos, an incredible sense of entitlement and an overinflated sense of their own self-worth and importance. They are arrogant and cocky, they have an opinion on everything and they are always right. They have incredible confidence but often without the competence. They typically have lots of grandiose plans for the future. "I want the world to be the way I want it to be" said one psychopath.
In their role as guru or maestro, they often claim to have magic powers, or to be able to do things that other people cannot. This enhances their prestige among their followers. And if anyone questions them about why they're not using their gift right now, they always have a good story to excuse themselves.

Absence of guilt and remorse

One of the most stunning characteristics of a psychopath is the total lack of guilt or remorse that they experience, regardless of the effect of their actions on others. From serial killers to cult leaders to corporate psychopaths to the child psychopath, they all typically have a justification for the decisions they have made and for what they have done.
Interviews with psychopaths reveal that for them, people are simply objects, things to be used. Even family members have the same value as other things they own, such as a mobile phone or a coat.
And use people they do. They will take their money, their possessions, their time, their expertise, their efforts, their bodies, and their souls. (People who have been duped by psychopaths for religious reasons have said that it's like being raped spiritually.) And all this without the slightest care in the world for the victims.
The absence of remorse is evidenced by the fact that many psychopaths, even after being caught and punished for some crime, continue to do the same thing.
When caught out, psychopaths will often deny or minimize the effect of their actions on others. In fact, they typically make out that they are the victim! And they can play the victim role very well. For them it's simply another one of the masks that they present to the world.

Lack of empathy

Another one of the important characteristics of a psychopath is the inability to understand what other people are feeling or experiencing. They don't know what it's like to be in somebody else's shoes.
What they do is to learn about emotions. They learn from other people what emotions feel like, what they experience, and what is expected in certain situations. Therefore they can appear to be very caring and loving. But it's all a charade, a show, playacting, in order to manipulate the emotions of others.
Being incapable of empathy means they are incapable of love. The emotional world of a psychopath is indeed shallow and dark. This can be difficult to understand when dealing with a sociopath.

Deceit and manipulation

"I lie like I breathe, one as much as the other" explained one psychopath. But even when they are caught out in a lie, they simply carry on. Remember, no guilt or remorse! They simply change the story to try and fit in with the lie.
Sometimes they lie so much that it's difficult to know if they know themselves that they're lying. The answer is usually yes, and typically they are proud of the fact that they are good liars. That big ego again! And it is one of the extraordinary characteristics of a psychopath that they aretotally unfazed by being cut out in a lie.
Why do they lie? To manipulate and control others. They are all the time trying to dominate and control. They believe that the world is full of predators and prey. And they are definitely predators. Other people are weak, stupid and deserve to be taken advantage of. In fact, the psychopath is doing them a favor, teaching them lessons.
When you consider the characteristics of a psychopath we've looked at so far, it's no wonder that they swindle, cheat, con and defraud others. They play by different rules than normal people, rules that normal people are totally unaware of.
Normally people do not consider that others willfully do evil and harm because they have no conscience. They are simply unaware of how psychopaths work. This puts them at a tremendous disadvantage when in arelationship with a sociopath.

Shallow emotions

Psychopaths are unable to describe the intricacies of different emotions because they don't experience them. They may mistake sexual arousal for love, or anger for irritability.
One thing that is common is that many of them say they can make themselves angry. They say they can turn it on and off. But they don't know how fear feels. They can certainly notice the signs of fear in other people but they are unable to describe any bodily sensations.
For many people fear is a motivator in that they may do things or not do things because of fear of the consequences. Not so in psychopaths, because they don't experience the unpleasant sensations of fear. This obviously has far reaching effects on the decisions they make. They do, however, know how to manipulate others through fear.

Photo Shoot in My Room Studio

It's the last day of the month of July and tomorrow is August, the last month before the "ber" month comes. It indicates that we are fast approaching Christmas time.  Time's so fast indeed that sometimes you can't notice that time is really moving fast.

I just had some photo sessions where I set up my own room studio in our house.  I have noticed I haven't seen any studio in Rizal province where models can have some photo sessions with some of the finest photographers in Rizal.  I'm not really sure if this is the first time to have a creative studio in Rizal Province.  My main objective is to let some models and photographers enjoy photo sessions within the Rizal province in the creative studio.  At a fraction of cost this allows them to use the lights that I have and the room which they are convenient to shoot with some of the models.

This week has been very busy so one of the photographers had a session here in my room studio.  He did great with the photographs of the models.

I did some shoots too as to sneak on the sessions with the models.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Burnham Park in Baguio

I had a short stint in Baguio just a few days ago where I stayed for 2 nights and 3 days. It was raining most of the time and that did not kill my chance to visit Burnham Park that each time I go to Baguio, I never missed to visit this famous park. Probably considered as the landmark of the Summer Capital of the Philippines.  You get a cold place where pines are the most popular trees of Baguio.  The last time I visited this province was in 2011.  Oh boy time's so fast and that was 4 years ago already.

Although the weather condition was not so good, I hanged out a little bit in the park spending time to take pictures.  The famous boat-ride is what makes the park memorable which the spot is famous of.  I had the urged to walk around just to realize how life is beautiful seeing the park is just a wonderful experience.

Visiting the park though it was raining let the time stop for a moment and it lets me also reminisce when I was still in good position but I guess I let God control of my situation no matter what happened to me in my recent past.
hanging out in Starbucks SM

I no longer want dramas. But I hope the next time I visit Baguio was to be in a better position again.  I won't say what it is, but I guess things like this that I have experienced I would consider as God's blessing.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Toxic Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate

Here are 8 toxic behaviors you should never tolerate.
1. Excessive Negativity
When you are working on creating a better life, the first thing to make an impact is a change in our thoughts. Moving from negative thought patterns to thoughts that serve us is difficult enough without being surrounded by excessive negativity.
It isn’t perfect positive thought you are after with your friends, but more the ability for your friends to recognize and move through negative thought. Being surrounded by someone who constantly 
expresses negative thought is disruptive to your personal growth.
2. Gossip
Gossip weakens relationships. Gossip is a conversation about other people and is usually malicious in intent. Gossip happens when your relationship isn’t strong or based on meaningful connection.
Make your relationships about you and the other person and avoid bringing other people into it. Pay attention to how your conversations make you feel. Chances are if you are gossiping, you won’t like the feeling.
3. Selfish Behaviors
If you start to examine your most successful and least successful relationships, chances are a common theme found in your least successful ones would be selfishness. Strong relationships are ones that serve both parties and do not focus on one person over the other.
It can be difficult to realize selfish behavior exists, especially when you feel like your partner is in crisis or needs your help. Both people in the relationship should be able to express their needs. You should never tolerate a relationship with someone that makes you feel bad for making your needs known.
4. Lack of Compassion
Life is hard – very, very hard. There is no need to make it harder by surrounding yourself with people who are not kind. And it is more than just being kind to you, it’s being kind to everyone.
Compassion is about general kindness and concern for all people, the people that matter to us and those we don’t even know. Ask yourself this, “Do you really want to surround yourself with people who have no concern for the suffering of others?”
5. Stubbornness
There is a little streak of stubbornness in all of us. And a little of it is a good thing, it can help us persevere and drive us to complete goals.
It is the refusal to compromise, see another point of view and the unwillingness to change; that is detrimental to a relationship. It’s important to recognize that the relationship isn’t serving you if you are doing all the compromising.
6. Superficial Judgements
It is one thing to look at a situation and process things based on what is happening. Then taking those perceptions and trying to make sense of them. It is a whole different thing to process what is happening based on how we think they should be.
When other people try to define actions and experiences based on their hopes for what they want, they are judging in a way that is unhealthy to us, to them and those around us.
What’s more, superficial judgments can often lead to gossip, which we already know is a behavior that doesn’t serve a relationship.
7. Manipulative Actions
It is the natural tendency to want to think the best of people, but it is important to be aware that there are people that will do anything to get what they want. It never feels good to be manipulated, and you might not even be aware that it is happening.
If someone is using guilt, selective memories, excessive compliments or even bullying tactics to get something they want, chances are they are trying to manipulate you. Stay true to what you know is right and don’t let someone else’s manipulative tactics influence you.
8. Playing the Victim
When someone plays the role of victim, it is because they do not want to take responsibility for their actions. Accepting that life is less than perfect and accepting our role in the decisions we make is an important part of being happy.
Once a victim, always a victim and when we surround ourselves with victims chances are we will become one too. It’s natural to want to explain away a failed attempt at something, and it is up to us to hold the people around us, and ourselves, accountable and challenge victim thoughts.
We make the choice, whether consciously or unconsciously, to gossip, play the victim or judge others. We also make the choice to stay in relationships only with people that exhibit the right kind of behaviors. If you are paying attention to how your relationships make you feel, more than likely you will be able to determine if the relationship is serving you.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fashion Shoot

I've been so busy last month due to one of my photo shoots commitment and post processing for the graduation portrait. I almost had a my schedule full every day that I became pale and thin.  And thank God, I was able to recover quite fast.  Actually I still lack of sleep that I need more than 5 hours of sleep to have my body fully recover.  This is the problem because I have been nocturnal since I started to work at night.  Being awake at night was something I have used to it but I find it quite enjoying because the whole people sleep while me still awake.

This month I had a photo shoot gig with one of the country's premier couturier and fashion designer, Rocky Gathercole.  He's been designing dresses for some of the celebrities including Hollywood stars.  It was a great opportunity working with him at the studio where I photo shoot some of the models with his unique designs.  This was the first time I have worked with fashion designer showcasing his work of art.  Actually it gave me a good break as some of the photographers are seeking a shoot with a popular icons in different field of arts.

I'm fascinated with this gig, and hoping for these for more in the future.  The outcome of my shoots was good, but the learning experience was something that would bring me to another level.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Getting Poisoned

Energy can play a trick and overshadows you to believe that something is really true.  Sometimes a person can be vulnerable by someone's energetic essence, especially when the doer has a strong and dominant energy.  Sometimes you forget to protect yourself from this vulnerability. You ought to believe them and little did you know, it traps you when the mind has been controlled by someone who is a perpetrator. They buy your loyalty because they appear to be friendly and nice but as the time go by, you'll feel you are being tricked as circumstances will naturally unmasked their real motive.

At first they will appear to side you and act as your ally.  The perpetrator will convince you that he or she is real, and happens to be the "friendliest" person, generous and a giver.  Unfortunately when things started to be unleashed, the true colors will just show in due time.  This will naturally happen as you go along.  And you will realized, you have been poisoned to believe them.  This will be untapped when they will no longer control you or not believe them on something.  They are the best manipulator and can influence and deceive you to believe them.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Been Very Busy

Yes, I have been so busy for the past few weeks as I did have a gig for the school's graduation pictorial.  I'm quite thin now, hehe...and there was a time I haven't slept for 2 nights. During the day I was taking care of my assignments including some editing works, going to places related to the works and so forth.  It was such a quite experience, and I did well!  This gave me an experience to do some studio shots.

Anyway, it's the last week of the month of May and I am hoping for more photography gigs for the upcoming month.

I plan to go to New York this Autumn and I am still hoping to save few more bucks so I can implement this plan.  I miss New York already, as the last time I was there was 5 years ago.  I miss the life there!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Value The Friendship

Sometimes we cross a mile of the ocean and sacrifice some of the things that we believe in because we value the importance of friendship more than anything else. We lose track of what we stand for and give way because we know this will ease any doubts that is in store for anyone who is willing to take away its pride for the sake of protecting the sacredness of friendship. You want to break the barrier by showing how unconditional you are when it comes to someone else’s spiritual aspect. You want “oneness and unity” with them by being courageous on your decision of beating the odds that’s blocking you away to the path that leads to mutuality. However, when the relationship becomes rough, we tend to overlook someone's courage and nobility and everything is gone because we let the pride to take over. True humility and patience will never hinder anything if one truly acknowledges the person’s goodness. If a person is only one-way street, there’s always a tendency that what had been started will just simply collapse…and then we learn from here...

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Good Friday at Angono, Rizal

It can't be denied that Angono, Rizal is the Arts Capital of the Philippines.  I've been in this town a countless times not only because it is a nearby place, around 30 minutes from my home, I felt myself being an artist.  Aside from being once a singer, I love photography. One of the main attraction in Angono is the Wawa Park as you can see the sunset at Angono Park as it goes down to the horizon connecting between the sky and water.  At the horizon itself is the view of the skyline of Ortigas Center where tall buildings can be seen.

This was my first visit in Angono for this year.  Today is Good Friday that I decided to go to Angono.  Taking a 20-minute walk from the plaza to Wawa Park is that easy although at 5pm was still quite hot. But once you rich the park, is windy and that makes the place interesting in spite of the heat of the sun.

I did figure out that in Wawa Park becomes my hub not only for photography but for reflection as well.  I think about the nasty things I have done, the good and the bad things and some of the dreams and aspirations that's still I had to do.  In just a quite moment during my silence, sometimes I feel sad and seems like I have this empty thing in my heart.  I feel empty that it's really hard to why it happened this way.  I really feel that I am lost in hope that one day everything becomes okay.

I spent the night at the parade as part of my Good Friday reflection, walking some of the streets of Angono.  The last time I joined the Good Friday parade was in Boac, Marinduque 3 years ago.  This is something to remind me about the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, though I do this once in a while.

Today I had made a vow to our Lord Jesus to always join the parade during Good Friday.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Parola Lighthouse In Tanay

I must say that Tanay, Rizal has a great significance in bringing spirituality to me. Not just because I love this quiet town, Tanay has been a hub for me since last year. I've got a good numbers of visit in Tanay last year, it's just that I couldn't really explain the significance why.  Maybe it's my Higher Self who has a purpose why I was brought to that place.

Last year was the time I have visited this municipality a lot, aside from being near to my place but maybe it was a preparation for a better purpose. Last year's summer did not surprise me as I went to Calinawan cave.  Then later on I was with Ann the Explorer who live in Pililia.  And aside from that I went to Jala-Jala where you pass some towns in Tanay.  Then last year October I accompanied someone to Daranak Falls and Calinawan Cave and Parola Lighthouse.  Then came November as I visited Tanay and went to a healer/massage therapist.

Yesterday I went to Parola Lighthouse and took some sunset shots.  I had a nice feeling though to see the the lighthouse while waiting for the setting sun. Quite windy but not hot at the same time. I want to remember that lighthouse, it just remind me my first visit on 2011 November and after 3 years I brought someone there to perfom his agnihotra ritual.

And once again the lighthouse in Parola reminded me about my first two visits, while alone, while seeing that setting sun on a blue sky, while kids were playing and some of the young people hanging around.

I want to remember that lighthouse as something to remind me of my memories.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Becoming A Monster

What makes a person become a monster sometimes? When a person is being provoked by certainties. Negative response that resulted someone being provoked and irritated cannot be justified. A matter of courtesy sometimes, a matter of choice of being careful not to cause someone to flare up. Things happened irrationally because people have different levels of sensitivity. At that moment, you do not own a person's feeling once he or she have some reactions to what has been done. It's like you are putting an energy to a person that makes him to react to a certain situation thus in return making him look like he has a problem and has negative energy. Try to evaluate first by being careful not to let someone being provoked and become a monster out of your own energy..

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Signs of a False Light

The path is complicated and sometimes we do not know which one you can lead to. The path has a lot of thorns and sometimes seekers may not be able to identify which path is the true one.  We need guidance that is why it is important to always pray and ask for discernment.  Knowledge is not enough, we need to ask God to come into our life so that you will be able to know what the true discernment is.  Some people will say they have discerned it and it's easy to say that.  Knowledge and discernment are these two that we should consider while we walk into the path.  Yes I have been a seeker, but these are the things that I believe to be a false light.  There are still a lot of red flags to be considered before determining which one is the false light.

• That Jesus also incarnated through another person.
• They deny Jesus as the true Son of God as they treat Jesus as ascended master and a teacher, just like Buddha, etc.
• They teach you to detach from your feelings.
• That we are all Gods and can manifest anything that we want.
• Deny the existence of sins.
• They deny the teachings of the Holy Bible.
• They worship themselves and a person who would consider them as the “master.”

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How It Feels Like to be Ostracized

People need people. People need to be understood, to be loved, to be comforted and to make a difference based on their capacity and contribution.  When they are recognized, it becomes a way that his moral is boost and lets him become inspired towards what he is passionate about and maybe shares his experiences to others.  Appreciation and belongingness are basic human needs and can invoke his will to value his friendship towards the other people around.

Often times we experience ostracism.  When ostracism is experienced by a person, it affects a person on different levels.  And once being deprived, it impairs his basic human needs, his self esteem and belongingness including his meaningful existence.  Anxiety level is dramatically raised and can possibly cause depression.

But how does it feel like when you are ostracized?  In my own experience, it cuts like a knife and is similar to death of loved ones.  Basically it is a social death. You become helpless and it feels like you are not worthy of any attention at all.   Although it can possibly spur your spiritual growth from this experience, its process is difficult since a person is affected emotionally and physically.  It is hard to let go although it may take some time to fully recover and heal from this situation.  It distracts your mind to do the things that you want to do, it’s hard to concentrate but a person needs to overcome the process and survive from this predicament.

Being ostracized, although it’s a negative thing can bring a person to another level.  When he recovers, it may let him understand why it happened and develop his compassion, humility, love and understanding to those people around, especially to some people who have been on his shoes.
Healing requires when a person is ostracized.  It requires having someone to talk to like your friends, network of people, and in a social place.  In that way, it will make positive changes to your self

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Whose Big Toe Is God?

by Ruth Ann Cramer

A number of Religious Ed teachers met with their Area Director to voice concerns about the New Age emphasis in the education program. In defending her mandate that energy religion principles be taught throughout the system, the Director pulled one foot from her shoe, waggled it under their noses and pontificated, "Even my big toe is god!"

Mourners had a hard time concentrating during the funeral commending their beloved Father, Grandpa and Uncle, Charlie Jones, to celestial bliss. To their consternation, a huge stuffed lion — resplendent with shiny brass eyes, gold-tufted tail and a red satin bow tied beneath his royal head — sat enthroned upon the altar. The Pastor announced the deceased's Zodiac sign was Leo — Leo, the Lion.

A church Council sponsored a four-week series,"Amphibian Spirituality: Meditating On Amphibians To See Jesus"; taught by a church employee who kept a large bronze frog on his desk to foster enlightenment. At a meeting of fifty-plus members concerned about the New Age stranglehold on their Religious Ed program, a Council member defended the Council's choice. Someone spoke up, "Tell me. If I meditate on frogs, how does the Holy Spirit speak to me? Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit?"

A clergyman well-known in faith healing circles, and billed as an up-and-coming name in Pranic healing (no-touch, "energy" healing), boasted his historic break-through: He'd "incorporated Christ" into the pranic ritual – "to recharge the body and improve productivity, sexuality and personal magnetism." When the audience distracted him, he boomed, "Quiet! Jesus is speaking!"

Am I just nit-picking? Harping on subjects past their prime? Fighting a losing battle? Matthew and I long for allto know the One True God, and to enjoy eternal life. We have seen how deviating from belief in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit deeply affects one’s natural and spiritual life in definite, negative and destructive — even mortally wounding — ways. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we take seriously His directives to teach the Truth, unchain those in bondage and set free captives.
This posting and its companion, The Blue–Eyed Satanist, constitute an overview of what we call our Other Than God (OTG) series of religious or spiritual pursuits. Please read both of them to gain the fullest picture.
An amazing amalgam of psychic, spiritual and religious beliefs, fables and lies, has not only melded into Christian culture, but is being promoted by hospitals, healing institutions, retreat houses, recovery groups, spirituality centers, convents, schools, universities, work places; groups, churches, non-profits, dioceses and parishes.
Masked in seductive religious and spiritual jargon,  this mostly pantheistic amalgam includes, Gnosticism, Reiki, Guided Imagery, Therapeutic Touch, Creation Centered Spirituality, occult practices and universal energy religion. It uses theories, superstition, supposed ancient mysteries, astrology, channeling, chakras, crystals, mandalas, enneagrams and labyrinths to facilitate its ultimate aim to entrap, manipulate and imprison Christian disciples.
Lumped under so-called, New Age principles and practices, the New Age label can be a real turnoff, so New Age doesn't announce itself as such. Veiled and shaped by deception and idolatry, New Age entangles by misdirection, obfuscation, and fantasy. Seekers may be drawn through lack of faith, boredom, curiosity, need for healing, excitement or attention, and/or a drive to acquire a mysterious or unique spirituality with "special" powers. New Age enthralls and excites as one is invited to gain particular knowledge, enjoy a more interesting, exotic or profound spiritual "life", as well as win the attention of others; and even, a chance at notoriety.
Trouble is . . . from innocent dabbling, to escalation, to a supposedly "more excellent way" of becoming a practitioner, healer or "Ascended Master", this progressive impetus, this motivational momentum of involvement, compels one ever, ever deeper into veiled bondage. The way grows dark indeed! (Though those ensnared will insist the rest of us, who are not ascended, are spiritually simple; and too restricted by ordinary faith and blind obedience to understand.)
The hard truth is: Neither innocence, nor ignorance, will change the awful consequences when Christians participate in New Age practices. Deadly dangerous to one's spiritual life, it's imperative that Christians caught in New Age, recognize the deception, and return to the narrow path of Jesus Christ, His Father and The Holy Spirit; so they might be set free and live in truth. Not an easy task, but it can be done. It's much safer not to get involved in the first place.
New Age — sly, attractive, camouflaged, aggressive — offers much that's good. So, how can we recognize it? There are certain basic differences that make all the difference. A close study of this chart will yield much understanding.
Offers God-given Laws
Offers Freedom and non-restraint
One offers Self to God:
One sees Godhood in self:
Jesus calls for Self sacrifice
One seeks Self fulfillment
Jesus calls for Self denial
One seeks Self satisfaction
Prime mode of belief: Faith
Prime belief in Experience & The Process
Resource for growth: Sanctifying grace
Growth by Self determination and Soul work
One worships through Liturgy
One relates through Ritual
Personal Relationship is object of faith
Technique is center of belief
Willing submission to God's will
One's will is the driver
Bowing low in worship before God
One's Self is in Ascendancy
Abandonment to trust in Jesus
Trust in importance of self
Dependency on God’s Love
Dependency on Technique
Bears fruit that endures
Seeks ever-increasing spiritual high
Recognizes and Deals with sin
Sees no evil and Promises success
Communicates with Trinity
Communicates with life force
God is The Source of Life
Universal Energy is the Source and god

Another way we can recognize New Age thinking is to take cues from New Age healing techniques. Most share the same incorrect assertions, and use these key words:
  • life force or universal energy pervades all beings and matter, uniting each individual to the cosmos tomake them one.
  • Awaiting command, energy flows from the cosmos into living creatures and circulates through the body energy centers - chakras or meridians - psychic centers activated or balanced by use of centering, meditation, TM, yoga, crystals, etc. and flows out again.
  • Disease results from blockage or imbalance in flow of energy through the body.
  • Energy is then channeled for creative or destructive action, by direct physical contact or invisible transfer, from healer to patient, animal, thing, situation, or from a distance. Alterations in energy are the basis for supernatural events.
New Age posits that since human beings consist of:  Energy that's assumed material form, manifests intelligence and guides our physical, psychic and spiritual evolution — humans can be nothing less than God! Even the woman's big toe! Imagine the deception, the ego puffery!
Though science cannot validate, measure or monitor these energy techniques in the physical world; still, New Age says, this invisible, nonmeasurable, supposedly infinite, divine energy must be considered the basis of all existence. Give me a break!
Many techniques used by New Age healers reflect the fallacy of all-is-one Monism, which claims that distinctions between ones self and other objects and individuals, and between good and evil, disappear. That man is a divine being, whose purpose in life is to be aware of his divine nature through spiritual and psychic techniques. One need only take up the mantle of a divine being, and life becomes easy!
This "enlightenment" allegedly leads to receiving the psycho-spiritual power needed for energy healing. Therapeutic Touch (TM), supposedly transfers good energy from healer to patient; Healing Touch (TM), falsely claims energy flow can be realigned and the mind/body/spirit activated; Pranic Healing, taken from Prana, the ancient Hindu mysticism, supposedly taps into the source of energy that moves the universe; lastly, today's very popular Reiki alleges that through precisely-patterned moves, crystals are "charged into a grid", then — using mantras of empowering affirmation and extended prayers — asks supernatural Reiki guides, angels and archangels to charge the grid, so one can "send" Reiki.
But the promise is false. Never let yourself be led to dabble in or try any of these techniques We and others in Christian healing and counseling ministries, know by experience that practicing New Age techniques will bring only confusion, darkness, disorientation, even depression — not light, not peace.
Aliases, including universal life energy, life force, vital force, Ch'I, Ki, "the healing power of the universe"and "what religions call God" all camouflage the pretentious duplicity and deceptive lies of New Age proponents. Evil is more than happy to stimulate and simulate results — euphoria, relief, peace or a "high" — thoughts or feelings making one believe something is actually happening.
Something is happening! And, it's not good!
Look closely . . . there is no turning to, or bowing down to, or coming before in adoration, the One, Only, True God. There is no recognition or gratitude that of the Three Persons in Our eternal God, One took on human form, suffered grievously and died that we might have life eternal. All we seek is found within These Three; there is nothing to be found outside Our Beloved God.
Remember: This God who claimed, "I am the Way; I am the Truth; I am the Life" is the same God we meet when we stop breathing, and we die.
The New Age god is a supposed and unknown "force" called ENERGY. Commensurate with their claims of its godliness, the desired grace sought of this god is — bottom line — an aggrandizement of the person. What deception! What danger! What an empty waste!
In the Spring 1998 issue of Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, New Age professional healers admit they can't prove New Age Energy theories. Two RN's, who popularized Therapeutic Touch among nurses, stated in an article, “Therapeutic Touch; What Could Be The Harm?” — "There is little support that this transfer of energy actually occurs, for there are no accepted means of measuring this transfer." Again,"We don't have empirical data to demonstrate the existence of a personal energy field. It's a working hypothesis." So much for "spiritual" fact.
Dr. Paul Reisser, M.D. in his excellent book, New Age Medicine; A Christian Perspective On Holistic Health(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1987) states: "Every energy therapy comes with strings attached which ultimately pull toward the world of paranormal, overt occultism and exaltation of self as divine."
It's this shrouded hiddenness, this obscure concealment posing as something of great worth to be desired and sought after, which causes grave danger to faith and one's self. God's concern is idolatry's immanent threat to our spiritual lives. He warns us of eternal consequences of turning to other than Him, and out of love for us, forbids us!
“You shall not practice augury or witchcraft. Do not turn to mediums or wizards; do not seek them out, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. (Lev 19:26,31 RSV)
" …so they are without excuse, for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools …and exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. (Ro 1:20-25 RSV)
" …in spite of your many sorceries and the great power of your enchantments. You felt secure in your wickedness, you said, "No one sees me"; your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray, and you said in your heart, "I am, and there is no one besides me." But evil shall come upon you, for which you cannot atone; disaster shall fall upon you, which you will not be able to expiate; and ruin shall come on you suddenly, of which you know nothing. Stand fast in your enchantments and your many sorceries with which you have labored from your youth; perhaps you may be able to succeed, perhaps you may inspire terror. You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons predict what shall befall you. Behold, they are like stubble, the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame …they wander about each in his own direction; there is no one to save you. (Isa 47:9-15 RSV)
Wow! We can't say God doesn't warn us! Remember, Satan promised Eve, "…You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God…" (Gen 3:4,5 RSV) Just imagine Adam and Eve watching as the body of their son, Abel, putrefied in the sun; and realizing they'd swallowed A Big Fat Lie! Instigated and promulgated by A Liar From The Start — as Jesus called him — Satan's lie even now resounds, insinuating that God withheld special knowledge we can acquire; and this knowledge will raise us up, make us gods.
Recognize the appeal here? You poor God-followers! God and his reps are keeping the good stuff from you. Your own god-liness is cloaked, hidden away! You have a right to discover your true self, and experience fully what's rightfully yours! Just open your mind; know your god-dom.
Open our minds? Evil wants us blind and dumb. We only think we see. We only think we know. We deliver ourselves up, render ourselves vulnerable, because we want to know more, experience more, acquire a "special edge", have and use special powers, and be raised up. We start with empty and seeking, or curious and interested, then escalate to intrigued and excited, become impressed and influenced, then sold out, and . . . end up trapped in deep, deep bondage.
Because New Age won't listen for the Holy Spirit, the resultant lack of spiritual truth leads to (1) absence of true discernment, (2) increasing confusion and (3) ignorance of spiritual reality. New Age never mentions sin; yet, unable to recognize the absence of fruit and the presence of deception, this blindness makes one a prime target for idolatry, moral weakness and occult bondage.
Above all, trust God's Word! From our limited experience, we offer this: Through the occult — the ultimate aim of the evil behind New Age beliefs and practices — demonic spirits are contacted — whether one believes in evil spirits or not. When evil is allowed in, even unknowingly, bondage happens! One may say, "I didn't know." or "No one told me." Or "That's not what I intended."
Or worse: "New Age is spiritually effective and all-good; and I don't believe in evil spirits." Aaahh, but ignorance and good intentions do not negate the consequences!
These deadly consequences will not fade with time; nor will demons flee because we change our mind or stop practicing New Age. We let evil in: In the Name of Jesus, we must order evil out of our lives. Then, we must protect our reclaimed minds, hearts, spirits. (For more on this part, see Discarding Evil Spirits in The Sandbox). We treasure the unutterable grace and beauty of a personal relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and must do all possible to nourish, retain and invigorate that bond, that interrelating, through daily — if not, moment-to-moment — prayer.
Please remember: Labeling New Age practice as Christian, spiritual, or even done in the name of Jesus Christ,does not make it Christian or a work of God. As Jesus Christ said:
"Not every one who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.'’ (Mt 7:21-23 RSV)
Let those of us who cry "Lord, Lord", remain bound in wisdom and truth to The One Lord Alone! Let us pledge fidelity to The One, True Lord — Jesus Christ, Son of God; His and our dear, dear Father; and our Ultimate Instructor, The Holy Spirit. We bow low before The One True God.