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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Parola Lighthouse In Tanay

I must say that Tanay, Rizal has a great significance in bringing spirituality to me. Not just because I love this quiet town, Tanay has been a hub for me since last year. I've got a good numbers of visit in Tanay last year, it's just that I couldn't really explain the significance why.  Maybe it's my Higher Self who has a purpose why I was brought to that place.

Last year was the time I have visited this municipality a lot, aside from being near to my place but maybe it was a preparation for a better purpose. Last year's summer did not surprise me as I went to Calinawan cave.  Then later on I was with Ann the Explorer who live in Pililia.  And aside from that I went to Jala-Jala where you pass some towns in Tanay.  Then last year October I accompanied someone to Daranak Falls and Calinawan Cave and Parola Lighthouse.  Then came November as I visited Tanay and went to a healer/massage therapist.

Yesterday I went to Parola Lighthouse and took some sunset shots.  I had a nice feeling though to see the the lighthouse while waiting for the setting sun. Quite windy but not hot at the same time. I want to remember that lighthouse, it just remind me my first visit on 2011 November and after 3 years I brought someone there to perfom his agnihotra ritual.

And once again the lighthouse in Parola reminded me about my first two visits, while alone, while seeing that setting sun on a blue sky, while kids were playing and some of the young people hanging around.

I want to remember that lighthouse as something to remind me of my memories.

Sameera Chathuranga

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