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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Becoming A Monster

What makes a person become a monster sometimes? When a person is being provoked by certainties. Negative response that resulted someone being provoked and irritated cannot be justified. A matter of courtesy sometimes, a matter of choice of being careful not to cause someone to flare up. Things happened irrationally because people have different levels of sensitivity. At that moment, you do not own a person's feeling once he or she have some reactions to what has been done. It's like you are putting an energy to a person that makes him to react to a certain situation thus in return making him look like he has a problem and has negative energy. Try to evaluate first by being careful not to let someone being provoked and become a monster out of your own energy..

Sameera Chathuranga

1 Responses So Far:

Unknown said...

think and be patient sometime, just commenting.