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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Signs of a False Light

The path is complicated and sometimes we do not know which one you can lead to. The path has a lot of thorns and sometimes seekers may not be able to identify which path is the true one.  We need guidance that is why it is important to always pray and ask for discernment.  Knowledge is not enough, we need to ask God to come into our life so that you will be able to know what the true discernment is.  Some people will say they have discerned it and it's easy to say that.  Knowledge and discernment are these two that we should consider while we walk into the path.  Yes I have been a seeker, but these are the things that I believe to be a false light.  There are still a lot of red flags to be considered before determining which one is the false light.

• That Jesus also incarnated through another person.
• They deny Jesus as the true Son of God as they treat Jesus as ascended master and a teacher, just like Buddha, etc.
• They teach you to detach from your feelings.
• That we are all Gods and can manifest anything that we want.
• Deny the existence of sins.
• They deny the teachings of the Holy Bible.
• They worship themselves and a person who would consider them as the “master.”

Sameera Chathuranga

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