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Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Weird Experience

It's Easter Sunday once again and today is the last day of the month and tomorrow comes April. This reminds me of my journey exactly a year ago I was in Biri Island, Northern Samar. I just want to check it out on my Facebook wall what I did last year and that was such a beautiful experience. I would never forget I had an injury while me and my guide was on our way to that rock formation, we walked through a water where the path was slippery and I had a cut in my foot. Totally the experience was one of a kind and during my trip, I took a bus from Cubao terminal off to Sorsogon City and then ride a jeepney going to a port where I had to take a ferry boat ride to Allen, Northern Samar. I just hope one day I could visit the place again. I met a doctor there, and we became friends as I added her in my Facebook account.

In Biri Island, the electricity was limited and at 12 midnight the electricity is shut off and is restored at 12 noon. I had to recharge my laptop then just before the brownout so I could be online in time there was no light. I use a prepaid internet by my Globe tattoo for the internet.

That time when I was asleep, I had this weird experience, I was in my alpha state and not totally asleep. It wasn't a dream too. Someone, sounds like an entity was on top of my body, like I was being raped by an entity. So what I did was I tried to fight for it and suddenly wake up.

Just the other night, I had a similar experience but this time a lighter one. Was in the alpha state when someone was in my bed embracing me seems like the whole night through. I did not resist so it wasn't a bad experience, but something was really going on. 

Then when I was totally asleep, I experienced a night mare. I had a nightmare also about 3 days ago, prior to this experience.

I guess someone from the paranormal world can explain about what I just had experience. So weird that it left me to question my experience.

Sameera Chathuranga

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