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Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's Holy Thursday

It's Holy Thursday once again and I did not have any out of town travel this Holy Week. Just stayed the whole day spending time in my room. As usual with my laptop and checking out the updates on my Facebook wall. I posted a lot of statuses especially when in comes to synchronicity of number sequences like my 11:11 experience. For some reasons I have to suspend my trips unlike in the last two years I spent my Holy Week in the island of Marinduque.

I was thinking what to do in the next few days as my travel abroad is imminent. Maybe I would try to fix some of my important things, clean my room and spend some time with my friends and stroll at the mall. I really have to make up my mind big time.

On this day reminds me of my travel abroad three years ago when I was in New York. That was an awesome experience when I had a "feel" what it is like to live in New York. I had my own room around $500 a month in Elmhurst and when you go out is a walking distance to the subway. Everything is within reach when you are outside, bake shop, restaurants, grocery stores and a walking distance going to the Filipino restaurant. Memories indeed and it's more fun to remember those good old days.

I really want to live in New York given a chance someday and that is my dream, to live there. It's expensive though but worth it a try living in that big city that doesn't sleep. It is indeed an exciting city that you get a glance on a facet of your life.

As what Alicia Key calls, "a concrete jungle where dreams are made of"-- and where dreams come true as well. But I know mine, did happen too. Smile!

Sameera Chathuranga

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