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Friday, March 1, 2013

It's Now March

Today is the first day for the month of March and time is just so fast. When you say March in the Philippines, what comes to our head is summer. And that means also it is a vacation time that people spend time to travel to different places. That also means that Holy Week usually happens in summer.

So what do I do when summer comes? I don not really have my own itinerary but there's always a plan that's not clear yet where to go. And usually when I think about summer, my mind is set to either spend time in Boac, Marinduque or Pasacao, Camarines Sur. These are just the places that I am used to go, because in Boac is where the Moriones Festival takes place and my late grand mother from father's side is Marinduqueno. This is the island where our entire clan had previously som getaways to observe either the Holy Week or the Mayflower event like the parade of Maria Elena. I was born in Naga City, Camarines Sur and as Bicolano/Ilonggo my family also spends time here on the beach side.

I can now feel the hotness. So let me see what indulgence that I can do this summer. It's been quite sometime   I haven't gone into the provinces so I think this is the best move that I can do at this time is to plan which place that I wanna go this summer.

Sameera Chathuranga

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