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Friday, March 15, 2013

Empathy and Advice

Sometimes it is easy for someone to write something  that could enlighten the reader. It could be in a form of advice but some people may be able to resonate or relate to the message. To some people who have gone through emotional pain, some messages are less important. They would only need people to understand their situation and that they would never want an advice.

To the one who have experience the adversities is a difficult situation to be with, especially when the emotional pain pattern overcomes the body and mind totally. So they could hardly relate to the message from their acquaintances or peers. That is why I find empathy important than advice, even when a person is not into their shoes. Because if it is an advice only, any person can do it, even the little kids can do it but only few people can empathize with the situation.

Some people have a good emphatic skill when they can easily empathize and some people are good on advice when they can give sound and good insights to the people's situation.

Sameera Chathuranga

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