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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Looking At My Own Picture

 I opened my laptop today and when it started it showed my picture sitting with my face smiling. This picture was taken by one of my school mates in the I. T. school who is also a photographer taken in one of the universities in Quezon City during summer last year. Then I thought to myself, that this photo was almost a year ago. I look at my own eyes, usually they said that I have a cheerful eyes and that seemed I saw the beauty of myself. I do not toot my own horns but when I stare my whole self in the picture, I saw the beautiful things I have done. That I was so happy with the things I did in the past, that I was proud and that I did no wrong that made people put in a hot scene. These were the things I would consider that I will always remember about myself. Sad at the same time that it made me cry because it reminds me about the journey I have partaken throughout the past years, and the year I started to draw in my spiritual path.

Pictures are a token of remembrance of who we are. We can see ourselves both internally and externally. It speaks about you and when you look into your eyes where it is the window of our soul, you will see your true self. Normally what we see in the pictures are the memories in that moment and we yearn about it. But there is a deeper value when you get to see more about it. Maybe it's about who you are, where you have been, what you've become, and the struggles you have partaken.

These are the facets in my life when I saw my picture in the computer. Not just about that single moment but the deeper things I have come across throughout my journey. It brought me to my pasts thought, that it made me sentimental as my eyes became teary.

Now, I was given a chance to start anew. The Lord was so good to me that sources came in the least that I expected it. It the midst of my adversities that I see light in it. The Source knew what I was needing and this synchronicity just worked within my reach! The Lord knew that I did no wrong. Yes I was not perfect but somehow I never tried to put someone down for my own gain.

Then I remember that "white feather" that fell to my skin few months ago. Now I can see that sign, I can see that hope the angel has given me that my angel my prayers were heard.

So that picture of me will also serve as my inspiration reminding me of who I am and the path I have already partaken.

Sameera Chathuranga

2 Responses So Far:

Anonymous said...

our old pictures is the reflection of our selves..true indeed... nice blog..

john said...

Dear Anonymous,

You are definitely right. Old pictures are facets of ourselves in the past which keeps on reminding us of who we are. Thank you so much for your comment.

