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Monday, May 27, 2013

Biking In the Pacific Hiway

My cousins encouraged me to go biking today (May 26) in the Pacific Hiway. This is the coast line along the Pacific and it serves as a route in Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay Area and several coastal urban areas.

My cousins uploading the bike from the car
Vernon raising his bmx bike

We started biking about one kilometer in the Beach Blvd where my cousin left her car before we turned right to Pacific Hiway.
rest period in the Hntington Beach

In the Huntington Beach, there's a bike trail and so many bikers are taking this path.

siesta time

We have reached the Sunset Beach, it's a 8-mile drive bike from our starting point. Then we went to move forward till we get something to eat in Jack in the Box.

Vernon stops while I take him a picture
We had a lunch in Jack In the Box
Stop over while on our way back to Beach Blvd

We took the course back to where my cousin parked her car but first we had stop over under the bridge to cool our feet in the water.

Cherry striking her pose

sitting on a rock
posing together

I got sprained on my left foot when I tried to grip the hand-break as it touched the wheel of my bike. My legs are in pain for it was my first time to travel an 18-mile path for 5 hours.

Sameera Chathuranga

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