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Monday, May 13, 2013

Visiting San Juan Capistrano In California

I had a chance to go to San Juan Capistrano yesterday via AMTRAK train ride from Fullerton Station. We missed the 10:30 a.m. train as the customer service suddenly called me to come over to the window via public announcement when few minutes was left prior to Amtrak's arrival. We we were curious what's all about as the the booth for the tickets is located at the other side, so we have to go up stair and when we were at the booth, it was just that I dropped my BDO card. We took the 11:44 a.m. train going to San Juan Capistrano.

Fullerton Station

at the second floor of AMTRAK

We took our breakfast first at the city of Fullerton since we have more time to wait for the train.

The train ride took us around 40 minutes to reach our destination.

We were not able to get inside the San Juan Capistrano Mission where you can see the ruins as there was a long queue outside the gate as they have already run out of the ticket. Instead we strolled around the place and visit some of the houses that is over a hundred years old.

One of the streets in San Juan Capistrano

Mission Basilica

We had coffee, visited a store where it sells some witchcraft stuffs, and also we went to a store that sells antiques.

Hidden House built in 1880

Witchcraft store

Hopefully, we will visit the place again and go inside the mission.

Sameera Chathuranga

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