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Friday, May 17, 2013

Got A Preview On American Idol

I was in Los Angeles the whole day and at 4pm I rode a bus going to Orange County. As soon as the bus came to pass through Figueroa, I got a sneak of American Idol finals on Staple Center. I pulled the string that lets the bus stop in the next stop over on Figueroa St. and Pico. So I went down and walk for about 10 minutes to reach Staple Center. 

Unfortunately, tickets have been sold out as I was looking where to get one.

Seeing that event this afternoon where press, past winners, celebrities, photographers, watchers and fans was purely accidental as the bus passed through the street that made me decide to go down from the bus.

I don't really watch American Idol so I have no idea who the winners are, except for some Pinays who made it in the finals like Jessica Sanchez. The one that I watched the finals aside from Jessica's feat was 5 years ago, that was in 2008 with David Cook and David Archuleta. After that one, I have no idea who have been the winners for the past seasons. Below are the photos I was able to capture during that event.

Sameera Chathuranga

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