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Monday, May 27, 2013

Biking In the Pacific Hiway

My cousins encouraged me to go biking today (May 26) in the Pacific Hiway. This is the coast line along the Pacific and it serves as a route in Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay Area and several coastal urban areas.

My cousins uploading the bike from the car
Vernon raising his bmx bike

We started biking about one kilometer in the Beach Blvd where my cousin left her car before we turned right to Pacific Hiway.
rest period in the Hntington Beach

In the Huntington Beach, there's a bike trail and so many bikers are taking this path.

siesta time

We have reached the Sunset Beach, it's a 8-mile drive bike from our starting point. Then we went to move forward till we get something to eat in Jack in the Box.

Vernon stops while I take him a picture
We had a lunch in Jack In the Box
Stop over while on our way back to Beach Blvd

We took the course back to where my cousin parked her car but first we had stop over under the bridge to cool our feet in the water.

Cherry striking her pose

sitting on a rock
posing together

I got sprained on my left foot when I tried to grip the hand-break as it touched the wheel of my bike. My legs are in pain for it was my first time to travel an 18-mile path for 5 hours.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park

About four years ago, I was in Anaheim, California for a couple of months. From New Orleans, Louisiana, I went to California since most of my cousins are staying in the sunshine state, where I had a great experience exploring the place to a point I even reached Eagle Rock, from Los Angeles, California. And I never had a chance to go to San Francisco, which is said to be 8 hours traveling time by bus or train.

I spent most of my time if not in Los Angeles, to a nearby place like Buena Park. Buena Park is just 30 minutes away from Stanton. When I ride a bus going to Buena Park downtown in Las Palmas, I always see Knotts Berry Farm but never had a chance to get into this theme park where rides and restaurants can be seen.

But this time I had a chance to go inside the theme park when I and my organization colleague met yesterday. She sponsored me a card that cost $72 valid for one year. If you have this card, you have free rides.

I am not familiar with different kind of rides except for roller-coaster, and the train ride but the only thing that I share are the photos I have taken yesterday and today.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Got A Preview On American Idol

I was in Los Angeles the whole day and at 4pm I rode a bus going to Orange County. As soon as the bus came to pass through Figueroa, I got a sneak of American Idol finals on Staple Center. I pulled the string that lets the bus stop in the next stop over on Figueroa St. and Pico. So I went down and walk for about 10 minutes to reach Staple Center. 

Unfortunately, tickets have been sold out as I was looking where to get one.

Seeing that event this afternoon where press, past winners, celebrities, photographers, watchers and fans was purely accidental as the bus passed through the street that made me decide to go down from the bus.

I don't really watch American Idol so I have no idea who the winners are, except for some Pinays who made it in the finals like Jessica Sanchez. The one that I watched the finals aside from Jessica's feat was 5 years ago, that was in 2008 with David Cook and David Archuleta. After that one, I have no idea who have been the winners for the past seasons. Below are the photos I was able to capture during that event.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Spending My Time In Huntington Beach

I went to Huntington Beach this morning (May 15). I walked from Katella Avenue and reached the Beach Blvd. From there you can ride OCTA or Orange County Transportation Authority for only $2.00 one way. The bus ride will take you around an hour to reach the Pacific Coast Highway where the coast line clings the Huntigton Beach.

I had a short walk going to the beach where I stumbled to a lady who I asked to take me some photos. I went closer to the pier and on my way I saw a lot of seagulls where I was able to take photos on them.

Few minutes later I reached the pier as the usual thing I do I ready for my camera in a manual mode for some creative shots. Shortly I went to the high way and crossed the street and take a half a mile walk going to Beach Boulevard to return to my original destination. It's not too hot there, as the wind is quite cold because of the Spring season.

The first time I visited the Huntington Beach was in 2009 but I have no camera yet. I was using my Nokia cellular phone to take some pictures. It was summer then where the beach was crowded. Today was not really crowded.

There were some bars and restaurants there, including some hotels along the coast lin

I will have to say that this experience of mine fulfills what I had planned to do during the last few days.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Visiting San Juan Capistrano In California

I had a chance to go to San Juan Capistrano yesterday via AMTRAK train ride from Fullerton Station. We missed the 10:30 a.m. train as the customer service suddenly called me to come over to the window via public announcement when few minutes was left prior to Amtrak's arrival. We we were curious what's all about as the the booth for the tickets is located at the other side, so we have to go up stair and when we were at the booth, it was just that I dropped my BDO card. We took the 11:44 a.m. train going to San Juan Capistrano.

Fullerton Station

at the second floor of AMTRAK

We took our breakfast first at the city of Fullerton since we have more time to wait for the train.

The train ride took us around 40 minutes to reach our destination.

We were not able to get inside the San Juan Capistrano Mission where you can see the ruins as there was a long queue outside the gate as they have already run out of the ticket. Instead we strolled around the place and visit some of the houses that is over a hundred years old.

One of the streets in San Juan Capistrano

Mission Basilica

We had coffee, visited a store where it sells some witchcraft stuffs, and also we went to a store that sells antiques.

Hidden House built in 1880

Witchcraft store

Hopefully, we will visit the place again and go inside the mission.

Friday, May 10, 2013

From Buena Park to L.A.

Had a great time today, in the morning I went to Buena Park then later in the afternoon I went to Los Angeles by bus. I walked in L.A. downtown and  I had a coffee at The Coffee Bean in Flower st. and 7th avenue. This reminds me about the long walk in L.A. in 2009. Great day that I would really want to go back again one of these days.

By 6pm, I went to Union Station where I had a train ride  back to Anaheim. It was pretty cold due to Spring time.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

From Manila to Los Angeles

I had an early flight to Beijing, May 8, 2013 at 630am via Air China. So I had to leave the house as early as 1 am. For some reasons, the flight schedule has been delayed for more than an hour so the waiting time got longer. We've reached Beijing around 1230pm. The boarding time of the connecting flight bound to Los Angeles was at 130pm, so what made us rush was the process in the immigration they had to check all the things aside from your hand carry bag. The immigration was very strict and there were about 2 check ups, one is when you reach the immigration and the second one when you are about to board the plane.

But then again the flight got delayed fore more than an hour as the plane arrived a 1230pm instead of 11am. The immigration had a long queue that I was able to reach the exit door at 230pm. My cousin was the one who picked me up in the airport, then we proceeded to Buena Park for a lunch in an Asian Buffet Restaurant.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Telepathic Experience

Most of the time I have this strong telepathic experience to the people who I am connected with, the people who are like-minded. My experience simply shows that when people think something, then I can pick it up and I believe this is how telepathy works when you are with the people of the same spiritual path.

Some kinda scary but I know this is part of our senses that we are all connected. Whatever someone feels then the other picks it up.

My telepathic abilities are getting stronger that sometimes I don't know if it is just an imagination. You think it is weird but it's really true.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Behind the Scenes Photos of the Film "LANDAS"

As a photographer, I had a chance to work with the production team for the film "Landas" that took place in Manila and Ninoy Aquino Park or Wild Life in Quezon City. This docu-film was produced by GMA News and Public Affaris and it will be aired May 5, 2013, 10:30 p.m. on GMA-7. It was such a great opportunity when you work with the production because in spite of the pressures and busy schedules which they work overnight for this film, at the end of the day you will see how people make a film just to come out perfectly pleasing to viewers.

In a two-day shooting, I've experienced how busy they were and that compliment how the film would look like. I've seen the trailer of the film and it was pretty nice. Partly I was involved working with the talents and the whole production film. So here are the pictures I took the shot during on the said film "LANDAS".

Friday, May 3, 2013

Too Traffic and Hot Today

Yesterday, I was done reading the book "The Power of Now". It took me almost 3 months to finish reading this book and that is because I was too much preoccupied with my thinking. Such a great book to read when you are seeking enlightenment.

I was in Edsa Shangrila Hotel yesterday in support for my kins for their singing performance in an event. The had a great performance though and I was the one who took them some photos. Yesterday was quite tiring though and maybe, one of the reasons why because I never had enough sleep.

And today, just in the morning I went to Embassy to get my new passport. Although I get tired and was pretty sleepy, the sun's the one that keeps me enervated, plus when I reach Pasig Kapitolyo on my home was too traffic that took me more than our to get home. Got a headache due to my impatience of waiting plus the fact that it was really really hot. Then as soon as I went home, I was really hungry, I never take my breakfast and lunch yet. After my appointment in embassy, I had another one in the afternoon in Marikina Riverbank about one of my FB friend who happens to be an organizer of beauty pageant who is much willing to hear my kins to sing in that event.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Reminiscing Last Year's Event

Today is May 1, wow the 5th month of the year. Every time the new months come, it reminds me more often of the past. Yes, it lets me think of the same period last year of what I have I gone through in that moment in time. It's hard to let go of the past especially we are learning our lessons in life. The good and the bad times were there to remind us what happened to us, but the bad ones, no matter how bad it is, still has a value because we this is where we learn some valuable lessons. At the end of the day you will think that it's not about the bad things that happen to each and everyone of us. We gain things that we can't really afford to lose them and maybe because of the yearnings.

Maybe we have learned some lessons in love, but it really depends on what particular experience that one has gone through.

 I love the way I think about the past each time a new month is coming. For it also reminds me of who I am today. Maybe a lot of me has change..of course if there were some slight changes in me, that is for a better.

I think of the moment last year, I had some photo shoot of myself with my classmate in an I.T. school,  I went to karaoke bar with my friends and more that I could not write it down one by one.

Today I have gone through recording using my laptop and condense mic for the back up of my kins for the theme song of the docu-film coming up this week. My recording skill is quite improving but I don't have the studio yet and maybe, just maybe will have it soon. But I just want to claim it now and anticipate it will just happen in due time.

So this is all for now. I'm so tired..