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Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Setting Sun In Wawa Park

Yesterday, I was down, sad that I could not hide my resentments. I asked a lot of questions hoping to find the answers that could pave away anything that has something to do with my life. A clear cut condition that I had experienced the worst thing in my life that I should suppose to look at the brighter side. I almost asked God about my questions anything to do something about the biggest challenge in my life.

Taking into consideration that most of the people who have been into spiritual path have experienced the so called "dark night of the soul", a condition or a process that lets you purified to become enlightened. So I questioned God about the things I was going through. What have I done? I was the one being abused, oppressed and put into a hot spot.Did this goodness of mine acted as catalyst why I am experiencing this right now? But I couldn't agree for more this feeling of emptiness that I have, that I feel my soul's so connected as it's like I was yearning for my missing piece. Perhaps that missing piece could be the answer to all my questions, to heal me from any storm that I have gone through.

Yesterday I was back in Wawa Park in Angono, Rizal, tripped the setting sun and as the sun goes down to its horizon, I found myself asking these questions hoping for the clear answer. Let God be the light and brings hope in me.

Sameera Chathuranga

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