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Monday, February 18, 2013

Appreciating Someone's Work

I am deeply inspired to write in my blog site more often, as this serves as  vehicle to my own thoughts and views in what we call " life experience." Some people may agree with the words I write and some may not, but one thing I have learned in this world is you can never please everyone at all, no matter how you tried to. There's no right or wrong when you express anything that has to do with your personal viewpoint but more importantly is you are being able to put into words how you feel about your subject matter. And this is who you are, you are your own thoughts and words.

Writing and blogging is my learning curve, not a virtuoso type as the other writers do but I am continuously digging the hole for improvement as I walk through the valley of enlightenment. I may have the call for a true spiritual path as I am doing this as possible part of my vocation. Not necessarily to become a nearly guru like Dalai Lama, but the freedom I would like to project is being able to gain wisdom so that in time, I may be able to reach out the best way I can sharing these words of wisdom.

I may never have a big audience who will listen to me and I do not intend to expect anyone to believe in me either, but this is such a great journey to come up writing a blog as I just want to express something that I feel about within the period of time.

Inspired to write a blog because somehow I feel appreciated and my works are being liked to a point that one of my Facebook friends encouraged me to pursue writing which I feel my spirit is being uplifted. Thanks for that, it was an eye opener for me to write even more. And I have that burning passion glimmering in me to accelerate such interest.

When you open up your heart, you learn to appreciate everything that surrounds you and that should be our true spiritual nature when you become enlightened. You get to tangle the complexity of the strings mixed up together and once you have fixed these strings you are able to appreciate everything in this life, such as the beauty of Nature God has given us, the animals, the people, situations and anything what life has to offer you.

Being able to be recognized from a job well done is an honor, whether it is small or great, as long as you know that you have the compassion to do it wholeheartedly. Sometimes we crave for appreciation for that builds self-esteem and confidence towards ourselves, especially when you are in the midst of finding  the true nature of your passion. And you may seek for self-belongingness from someone to be as your own mirror of your greatness. Appreciation is a moral booster and it motivates you to keep you more focused on the things that you want to do. Internally its effect is to let you glow and become the source of inspiration to others seeking the same thing to feel being appreciated from your works.

And we have perhaps encountered the odds when the time in our lives that we get tired to please someone as you feel that you are not being acknowledged from anything that you did and share with, as you may expect you are being appreciated from your works. Our expectation is what we seemed to be the lead source of disappointment causing us to ask so many questions and perhaps to huff.

I believe that appreciation is not measured quantitatively. It is qualitative and it does not take a lot of people for you to be able to be recognized. One may be enough to grasp its meaningful essence. To some, it does not take a lot in order for you to become happy once you feel your works are being loved. First it must come from the heart, the moment our souls recognize it. Whatever works that you love to do and some people could not relate to it, good or bad but at the end of the day, you can pick up some lessons to improve anything that you are compassionate about.

Remember that appreciation is not about pleasing everyone. You are being appreciated because they simply believe in you, they resonate with you and they like your work. And in order to be acknowledged, it should connect to someone's soul making them agreeable anything that has relevance and distinct to them.

Our mind is so powerful which creates the ego and blocks  the heart in order to get blinded not to appreciate anything you have withstand to give your all to, and limiting the likeness towards the prism of someone's company. But outside that core are the people looking for self-belongingness and hoping that finally someone will like the beauty of your work.

Your works may not be the best or perfect one and you may feel that you are being overlooked, but if you flip the other side of the coin, anything could happen for you. Some surprises come when it's your time for you to shine. And we have the shining moment in our lives that sparks in the air. And when it comes, it will nourish you like a king or queen in the castle. And that means the Universe have heard you, and if someone else cannot appreciate, never resent because the Source sees whatever things that you do. Share the magic of your works without condition without expecting anything in return, for it will just come when you get the fruits from the tree.

A simple appreciation changes your perspective, you feel that you are being recognized, it motivates you more to do better and share your works to others. Life is about appreciation, you acknowledge the blessings and you appreciate anything that comes to you.

Sameera Chathuranga

3 Responses So Far:

Anonymous said...

Such an enlightening words. Thank you for this. - Lenna

barbie said...

I experience that this past few weeks. The more I appreciate others work; the more I feel that they appreciate me too. It's such a nice and meaningful blog :)))

SemioticSphere said...

Well said John...it's like saying "what you sow is what you reap..."

We can't expect everyone to appreciate our work, oftentimes our craft's essence is vague for some thus lead them to get yawning.

But when the right person encounters your masterpiece, there the meanings are unveiled, gives another life according to his own subjective experience...

I think you are so much pregnant of artistic talents and always on the run to give birth...bear more fRuit, brother! ;-)