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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Thought For Today

It's almost Valentine's Day and I guess if not some, most of the people will have to celebrate this special day with someone they love. Flowers, chocolates and cakes may be the most popular give aways for this season of love and to those in the business realm would mean profit. I should know that, haha because I myself is into the realm of business.

At this moment I do not have the drive to write something in my blog site, well I'm sharing my thoughts about how bored I am since I stayed the whole time in my room. But I was suppose to go for a photo shoot simulation in Angono, Rizal but I feel really tired and seemed to have a quite body ache.

Last Sunday night, I went to Antipolo because one of my friends there will be leaving for Oman on the 13th. We used to hangout in her house when we had get togethers and prior to this, the last time we had funs and overnight to her place was almost 4 years ago before I left for New York in March 2009. Whew! That was such a long time already that I couldn't imagine how fast the time flies. In her house, that was our bonding place that I couldn't resist to go every time we had some meet ups. These are also my supporting friends for high and lows. And Tita is leaving already, she's been to Oman back and forth every 6 months. I remember her she called me up when I was in Baler, Aurora last year in February. That time I had to travel a lot and I had to confide to her that I was in soul-searching, or finding myself and experiencing spiritual awakening. When I was in Antipolo last Sunday before leaving her house, she let me borrowed the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart, Tolle and the book by Professor Jaime Licauco, "Soulmate, Karma and Reincarnation." I still have to start reading this book as soon as possible. They were just intereting books to read about.

So now since I spend most of my time in my room, I'm always online reading and googling, and staying in touch with my Facebook friends. So I still have an opportunity to record my songs. I guess, this is all for now.

Sameera Chathuranga

2 Responses So Far:

Anonymous said...

pls do record inspiring songs, love it..

john said...

oh thank you so much for listening to my songs! :D best regards to you!