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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A New York Dream

The hustle-bustle life in the city, the yellow cab, the glittering lights in Times Square and the tall buildings in New York City, these are some of the few things I miss about New York. Each time I tried to see my photos when I was in the city that never sleeps, I have a deep yearning inside. And so as much as I really wanted to go there, but what keeps on stopping me is the lack of financial resources that I have. Living in New York is so expensive as I have lived there for quite sometime and I knew exactly how it feels to live there. The last time I visited New York was in 2010 when I had to meet my client there. From Brooklyn hostel that I stayed I transferred to another Elmhurst where an apartment was owned by a Filipino. So I rented a room for $600 a month, and my landlord was a couple who happened to have no children. Every Christmas I send them a Christmas greeting card, but unfortunately in 2012 I missed sending out my greetings for them. I lost my contact information and tried to find their Facebook account but there were so many similar names that appeared on Facebook. Maybe time will come I will be able to search their information again.

Going back to my aspiration, yes big time I have this so called a "New York Dream" and it's been long overdue from the time I had wanted to live in New York so much. There were a lot of stopping in doing so, Obviously I am not a citizen or a resident but the only passport that I have is my dream. I really wanted to make it big there as my cravings rant in my heart towards my journey. I have the heart, my inner knowing is guiding me that once I am able to penetrate there, I know I would do great there. Likewise since I've been into my passion photography, I really have the high hopes of stepping up the ladder.

I've been in New York for quite a number of times being able to know how it feels like living there.

Yes I am imagining, and I am hoping too this year it's going to be my come back year in New York. I wanna leave my old self and start all over again from the failed vision I had in my business perspective due to some variables beyond my control. I don't feel that I would do great here in the Philippines, seems everything had fallen into wrong places. The plan, the person I have worked with in the business and the day to day activities I had, the people who abused me for being nice to them, all of them I really wanted to leave. I want to forget all of these to give way to my New York dream.

I really miss New York so much that I feel at home every time I was there. With my passion in photography in me, I know I would do great there. Even the energy connection that I feel at present I want to leave behind so to give way to my New York Dream. I don't feel that I am obsessed with that of being wanting to go there even if I am alone.

My biggest challenge as of this time is how to start all over again from a failed vision that I had, my ambitions and hopes to my business, all was shattered and broken into pieces. It's just only a matter of time, in a right place and right people that all of these dreams will come to reality.

New York seems to be my home, the longing to be there, and the missing the place big time, and the wanting to stay there, all are part of my New York dream

Sameera Chathuranga

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