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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Malabsay Falls Adventure on Good Friday

Honestly I’m not into falls adventure.  It’s just that I go to the falls to take pictures since I’m into photography and I love using my dslr with filter for it creates silky effect to the water falls subject. I go to the falls too because of my attachment to the nature. Going to the falls usually involves trekking just like my recent experience to Pagsanjan falls via Cavinti route.

Maundy Thursday was awesome because I went to different towns of Albay to see some old churches and the sunflower farm in Ligao.  I’ve checked in at CBD Plaza Hotel for an overnight stay which the hotel was near SM City and bus terminal in Naga.

It was Good Friday when I decided to go to Malabsay Falls in Mt. Isarog.  The falls is not far from the town proper of Naga City.  The destination is just approximately 30 minute jeepney ride.  Malabsay Falls is located in the upper barangay of Naga, Barangay Panicuason and is at the foot of Mt. Isarog National Park.
The passenger jeepney dropped me off to crossing and oh my I forgot the name of the place, hehe..from there I took the haba-haba ride (motorcycle) and paid 30 pesos to take me to the jump off site.  At the site is 1.2 kilometer and approximately 30 minute walk to the gate.  Once you enter the gate is another 15-minute walk to reach the Malabsay Falls.
Haba-Haba ride to jump off site
my little guide "Marvin" as he carried my camera bag
It was gloomy on the way to the gate of the park

when you look on your back you can see this view 
this is the gate towards the falls

The sky was gloomy while on my way to the gate and it rained that made the road muddy.  I had a small guide and his name was Marvin.  The boy led me to the site and helped me to carry my camera bag.  It was already raining and upon reaching the falls, there were some few tourists too who are enjoying a cold breeze greenery scenery. And some of them are swimming. Unfortunately only some few shots were taken due to the rain.
on the way towards the falls
Staircases to the falls
some of the tourists spending time swimming to the pool
crossing through the water

You have to take some extra careful because the staircase is steep and watch your steps as it is slippery when it’s raining.

I decided to leave the falls after 2 p.m. and was so wet because of the occasional rain shower.

That’s a short adventure that I had in Malabsay Falls happened on Good Friday.

Sameera Chathuranga

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