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Monday, April 21, 2014

Road Trip: Exploring Some Parts of Albay

Daraga Church
The last time I spent my Lenten season in the province was two years ago in Boac, Marinduque and I go to spend time reflecting and witnessing the Moriones Festival.  The season reminds me of my family and relatives and we go to this small island during Holy Week where, at the same time picnic in beach and prepare foods in a small cottage.

 I decided to explore Albay Province on Maundy Thursday.  I’ve never been to Legazpi City. From Pasacao , Camarines Sur, I packed up my things in the morning for the Albay trip.  As part of my vow, my target was to visit some old churches not limited to the Lenten season, but to every place I go, I had to drop by to some old churches.  But I’ve heard about the Sunflower Farm in Ligao and that’s why I took time to go to Kawa-Kawa where the sunflower farm is located.

The trip from Naga City to Legazpi, Albay was approximately 4 hours.   On the way to my destination  was traffic in the town of Nabua.  And one of the reasons why it took a lot of time to go to Legazpi because the bus had a lot of stop-over.  We arrived Legazpi at 1:30 p.m.

San Rafael Church:

From the Pacific Mall, I took a tricycle ride going to San Rafael Church.   I lit up a candle and said my little prayer.  After a few minutes I took a Daraga-bound Jeepney to see the old church in Daraga.

San Rafael Church in Legazpi City

Daraga Church:

I took a jeepney ride o Daraga, it’s about 15-20 minutes from Legazpi. Perhaps this is one of the oldest churches in the province of Albay. You can take a few steps to the stairs to reach the church.  On the side of the church is an overlooking view of Mayon Volcano.  Unfortunately the cone of the volcano was covered by a cloud.

Front view of the church
After the mass
overview of Mt. Mayon

Sunflower Farm in Kawa-Kawa

From Daraga, I took the Ligao City.  It was approximately 30-minute jeepney ride and the drop off was in Kawa-Kawa.  You can ride a tricycle and let them take you to Kawa-Kawa National Park where the Sunflower farm is located.  The park has served as tourist and religious destination.   On the hill is a life-size images of the Station of the Cross.  And at the top of the hill is where you can find the sunflowers.

Uphill to the park
Souver  items where you can buy outside the park
The Last Supper life-size images
Stairs going to the farm
Some tourists taking pictures of the sunflowers
My photo shot for the sunflowers

By past 5 p.m. I was done with the tour and decided to ride a bus back to Naga City.  I checked in at CBD Plaza Hotel where the bus terminal is located.

On Good Friday I decided to go to the Malabsay Falls in Mt. Isarog National Park.

Sameera Chathuranga

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