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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Spiritual Enlightenment

I have mentioned in my previous blog that the purpose of my trip to the U.S. was for my spiritual growth which spurred my awakening, a path that seekers may have experienced the dark night of the soul. Although every seeker has its own unique journey, we have one road that leads us to enlightenment. 
There is no shortcut to enlightenment though, and when you have achieved this state, to those who have experienced said, there was a feeling of bliss, and through the adversities let you become resilient from pain.
This is what I have experienced when I was in the U.S. in 5 months were inclusive emotional pains and physical pain at times. It’s like you are following the cross of Jesus and feel the burden along way to reach the enlightenment. I would say that enlightenment is a way to eradicate the emotional pain body. This doesn’t mean that you are totally free from the pains, but the way you carry the cross lets you become resilient from its life adversities. We are still humans that are totally free from bondage and we still experience the pain that previously it had cleared you away from your karmic debt.
In the six months course of my journey in the U.S. was a total torture of both emotional and physical pain, and this is deemed necessarily to reach full enlightenment, and right after you have surpassed the test is a total bliss and will bring you laughter again. This was exactly happened to me and about three weeks before I left the U.S. I know longer feel the emotional pain, like my heart can no longer define what a pain is. It was blocked off from me and what I have realized I see myself smiling a lot again. I may have experienced quite sadness but it no longer last for a long time.
I have experienced everything there leading me become more resilient and that being tortured was already my training ground to totally surrender myself and ask God, my guides and the angel to take control of my life.  After that, it seem like I worry no more, as everything have to let God take care of my situation.

Yes we have to let God control of our situation by totally surrendering  and by letting him take care of everything including our needs, situation and the events in life that we have partaken from past to present. If this happens, blessings will be delivered to you at the right time.

Sameera Chathuranga

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