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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Planning For My Next Travel Destination

I was thinking for my next travel destination this year. Last year I was quite lucky to go to the U.S. although there were some misses on the part that I want to go like San Francisco, California; Sedona, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada and the Grand Canyon - which happened to be my dream travel destination.  When you travel to places like these, money is the issue because you are spending a different currency that for a back packer like me finds it expensive. But local travels are quite manageable in terms of finances and you don't even need a car if you spend time to some local places. That's quite a bigger dream going to places in some parts of the States, haha as far as my experience is concerned.

Well I just want to think positive. For the coming quarter of the year focuses more in the Province of Rizal to pursue my quest to see some of the places as Rizal is where I have lived and grew up.

Here are some of my plans that I want to see next aside from Rizal Province.

Lake Cebu
Mountain Province
Cagayan de Oro
Some parts of Pangasinan
La Union

The list is not final yet and subject to change.

Sameera Chathuranga

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