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Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Is...

Love Is...

Love is overwhelming...
Love is a feeling..
Unconditional and willing to give
Without expecting anything in return..

Love is when you make someone special..
Everyday..you think of them each day..
Love is our soul that yearns..
To merge as one who we truly love..
Love that is never unending..
Love that has been pre-existed..

Love you won't find to others..
And when you see the person's eyes..
You see yourself...
The goods and the bads..
Without any judgement at all..
Love you can't explain through words..

That you know you understand without saying any words...
And you just know it..
Because it's the heart who tells you everything..
Everything you want to know..

That is love is all about
A love that never dies...

Sameera Chathuranga

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