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Monday, July 18, 2016

Venturing on Foods and Food Photography

Last Saturday, I was invited to take some photos of foods for Japinoy Restaurant. Basically my first food photography assignment since I first started to work as free-lance photographer since 2012 and most of the shots are those from the events.  Being a professional on this field, we take note of the person's flexibility that is why it is important for aspiring photographers to be jack of all trade - from travel, events, fashion and food. If you love food, just like me I always take some shots through my cell phone or dslr camera.

Then came the right moment when I was offered to do some food photography last Saturday and I was really surprised to see the quality of my shots using the different focus method and the angle where it is to take the best shot of the foods.

The nice thing I have learned in photographing some food commercials was I got to eat them for FREE after the chef served it to the table so I could take some shots for every food it is served, one at a time.

Yes I got some tastes of their specialties which Chef Marlon cooked for ads purpose which according to one of the consultants the shots will be used for fliers and display in the restaurant.

Japinoy serves both Japanese and Filipino foods and that is why the they came up with the idea to name this restaurant as Japinoy.  It is located along Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong City.

Perhaps I should focus on food photography and I am glad I am starting to venture on this part as I myself love to eat at different restaurants and that is really interesting photographing some foods and at the same time, you eat them for free.

Let's see on my next assignment.

Sameera Chathuranga

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