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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Leaving the Year 2014

This is my last entry for the year 2014.  Just a few hours left and it’s going to be New Year.  As I make some reflections for this year, it’s time to look back what is going to be part of the past.  This is the time also that I am going to throw away some things what will no longer serve me.  No matter what the memories will always be there, may it be good or bad. 

Memories of places, people and events will always serve as something to remind me about the year 2014; for they have lessons to learn; some people who stay or leave behind the scene,  it’s not going to separate me from thinking about them, after all they will always be there clinging in my head for always.

Two things that will ponder you about me; either you will love me or hate me.  To those who love me are my guides and source of my wisdom and inspiration. These people will always continue to support me in my journey.  If some hates me of being who I am, I will always thank you, you too are the source of my wisdom because whatever things you have hated about me is also a time to reflect what I have been through with them and without them, moments will always be dull.  Things you have hated about me will serve as an motivation that will let me push through whatever things I have started.

As the New Year enters, it is a new start, a new hope and more freedom to live the way my Higher Self directs me to do the things that I should be doing.

I want all my sentiments to be forgotten, all the bad things happened to be forgotten and the deeds of the people who caused me pain whether intentionally and unintentionally be forgotten.  I want to have a beautiful year ahead and all the things I've been aspiring will come into fruit.

Tonight I will look for the star and make some wishes and tonight will also the best time to pray and ask God for any help, thank him for anything he blessed me for the year 2014; and ask him to give me more blessings.
I will watch for the fireworks as we enter 2015, and as I watch them spark in the sky, I’ll think about every moment happened to me in 2014, beautiful and ugly, happiness and sadness.

Thank you God, for watching over me and my loved ones.

Sameera Chathuranga

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