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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Higantes Festival 2014

Since 2012 I go to the coloful festivity of Higantes Festival, a much celebrated fiesta in Angono, Rizal popular for the Higantes parading on the streets.  It was my first time to go as early as 8 a.m. and they close the main street in Angono and from the high way I walked for over one kilometer to reach the market place.  I met a peer who waited me there for over an hour.

As expected the street was crowded as the locals watch the parade and some participate by throwing some water to the spectators. Well, I was quite wet but I prepared for it by wearing an ordinary shirt and a short pants intended for that event.

I end up in Wawa Park and was able to meet the mayor of the town, Mayor Calderon.  We had lunch before I parted way and go home at noon time.

Monday, November 24, 2014

What Cosplay Is All About

Just a few days before the cosplay shoot, I received a phone call from Shelai who is in charge of the said event. Since I was not busy for the past few days, I grabbed the stint, and seriously I never had an idea what a cosplay was all about.  I went to Taytay in the plaza where the location shoot was held.  There were around 9 participants on the said event and the competition is set on January 2015.

What is cosplay all about? According to Wikipedia, it is a portmanteu of costume play and is a performance art which the participants called a cosplayers wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character.

Most of the cosplayers are of younger generation as to what I have seen so far.  But according to some, it's not limited to those young ones as matured people can do the same.

It was fun seeing the cosplayers in their costume.  As a photographer myself, it's like fashion too but in this way I never had an experience shooting events like this.

Monday, November 17, 2014

True Self and False Self

Sometimes we fantasize ourselves as a person of what we are not. If only we can face the reality instead of illusion. Reality is the "now" of who we are..not based to someone that exist in our imagination. Fantasizing becomes an escape goat to reality. An outlet we project that sometimes is a circumstance that maybe we lack of...and in that way we are not being ourselves anymore and we are giving the power to our false self..we have to face and em-battle that person inside us if we really want to claim our true-self to reign..

Visiting San Ildefonso Parish Church in Tanay, Rizal

Finally I have come to visit San Ildefonso Parish Church known as Tanay Church to the locals of this town.  I’ve been in Tanay for the fifth time this year but unfortunately I never get the chance to drop by on this church built in 1773. Ever since I went to Tanay, never it happened before that I step foot on this church, although the thought of getting there has been planted already.
inside the church

The Nazarene

San Ildefonso Parish Churh was declared a National Culture Treasure by National Commission  for Culture and Arts.

It wasn’t busy day in this town as it happened to be Sunday.  Some people would remain in their house and some go to Savemore, it’s like a little mall that caters to the consumers  with its supermarket.
I went to some of the streets of this town and there were some booth exhibits outside the gate of Tanay Church selling native products.  It was my first time to stay in the main town starting from 12 noon till the evening.

native products sold by the vendors

It was a sunny day that makes the sky in color blue which is great to take some walks across the plaza and the main streets of this town.
street vendor selling some bracelets, etc

the town plaza

Tanay has become my hub because it only takes an hour traveling time from Ortigas Extention in Cainta.
Mang Ogie performing hilot to a boy

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Reason Why I Walk

There’s a reason why I prefer to walk

I walk because I want to understand

And I want to feel…

How hard it is to walk
many miles…

I want to walk that I know that when I reach the edge...

There’s a torch light up that awaits me there…..