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Friday, May 23, 2014

Calayan Island Adventure: Sibang Beach

I was born with a sign of water and I love beaches.  I love to walk to the shore as the wind blows and as it touches my skin makes me quite shiver.  And the best time to walk is during sunrise and sunset.  It creates gradient to the sky and it creates moods.  You can create a piece of art work out of the composition of this scenic view with your own perspective. 
The grandeur of Sibang Beach
Sibang can create a unique masterpiece during sunrise
Combined with green grass and golden sand makes the scene perfect for tourists
My footsteps as I walk barefooted
Getting to Sibang without hiring a tricycle that will take you to this spot is quite challenging.  Just like in my case.  A slight trekking can be experienced and the main road serves as the trail to reach Sibang.  Once you hit the end of the road that means that you have already arrive the beach.  It took me 1.5 hours to walk from the time I left at 4:00 a.m.  It was sunrise and hearing the roaring sea was the sign that I have indeed reached the seashore. The streaks of the rising sun covered partially by the shade of green trees to my right serve as a lookout that I have arrived to the spot that I’ve wanted to see.  From the path that I was walking I turned left and went down immediately to catch the sunrise with my camera.
The stone can serve as landmark in Sibang
The beach is unexplored and unspoiled
Sunrise in Sibang
The scenic view of Sibang is a perfect masterpiece.  I would describe the sand as color gold; it was refined as sugar with its emerald water indicates that the beach was unexplored and unspoiled.  There are numerous rock formations that add beauty to the beach of Sibang.
You can find the abandoned cottage just a few walk from the beach

I seldom take photos during sunrise.  And the shore is always my subject.  Now was the opportunity to see the rising sun on the shore and take some shots with my camera.

There were no visitors in the beach even if it was Sunday presuming that most travelers come from the main land of Luzon.
My footprints

After I was done with my few shots, I walked through a sand barefooted to see a house-like structure that I saw upon getting to the beach.  It serves as cottage house considered as abandoned and maybe this structure is being used if there are visitors.   Out of my thirst, my purpose was to get water to drink and I was lucky enough that there was water running from a hose to a pale. 
You take some walks and you will pass by a farm
On my way back to Poblacion you will pass some sari-sari stores
The sun was already high and at 9 a.m.  I decided to leave the shore.   I was supposed to go to the lighthouse that was closed to the spot but unfortunately I was so tired and ready to leave the shore.   After half an hour walking I saw some folks and I asked them if there is a house that I could drink a water.  They told me to just walk a little because there’s a house I could pass by while walking along on my way closed to where I was.  On the first house one folk offered me to drink water and rest for a while in their nipa house.  A few minutes later I left and walk to the main road.
Good thing while I was in the middle of walking the road, a tricycle passed by and took me to poblacion and I bought some bread from the bakery for my breakfast.
Sunset shot at Poblacion
Kids posing at the stone

After a tiring walk I took a nap in the afternoon and just before the sunset I went to the beach at poblacion and this is where I took my sunset shots.

Related Links:

A Guide When Getting to Calayan Island
Calayan Island Adventure: Getting to Magsidel
Calayan Island Adventure: Sibang Beach
Calayan Island Adventure: The Lampitaw Boat Ride
Cagayan Valley: A Glimpse of Claveria

Sameera Chathuranga

5 Responses So Far:

lovel said...

Hi! Is it possible to explore the town of Calayan on foot? Thanks!

john said...

Hi Lovel,

Yes it's possible..from the main town there's only one road if you will take a walk going to Sibang..it will take you 1 hour and a half to reach Sibang Beach cove

Unknown said...

hi if you visit the sibang beach no need to ride a boat malapit lang så accommodation nyo? thanks how about the nagundungan hill do you need to ride another boat? thanks

Unknown said...

hi if you visit the sibang beach no need to ride a boat malapit lang så accommodation nyo? thanks how about the nagundungan hill do you need to ride another boat again or you can just walk? thanks

john said...

Hi Margie,

No need to ride a boat. You can hire a tricycle it might take 20 to 30 minutes going to Sibang beach..pero Im not sure sa Nagundungan. That's one thing I have missed out when I visited Calayan. Thanks.
