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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Irresistible Taste of Baye-Baye

I learned how to make baye-baye from our helper who hails from the province of Negros Occidental where she is at our home right now. Baye-baye is one of the delicacies of the Ilonggos and is made from glutinous rice, “malagkit” in Filipino, “pilit” in Ilonggo.  It is roasted first mixed with red sugar muscovado then it is being hulled in the machine until it becomes soft and pliant. Strips of young coconut are added to make it more delicious.  In traditional way of making baye-baye and according to “manang”, in Negros, after the rice has been roasted, it is being pounded away in the old lusong (traditional mortar and pestle)

Baye-baye is one of the native delicacies of Ilonggo which can be found in the market or in the streets aside from the famous piayaya, barquillos, pinasugbo and kalamayhati. It makes really worth eating and it can be served as merienda.

all ingedients mixed together

Sameera Chathuranga

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