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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Things From Heaven

The main purpose of our trip last June 2 was to see the angel store in Ventura, California. The "Things From Heaven" is the biggest angel store in the world. It is owned by Rev. Keith Richardson and his wife Francesca and it opened in 1995. Originally operating as angel gifts and gourmet foods, after a few months, they learned that customers wanted the angels while the food sat on the shelves.
Angel store owner Rev Keith and wife Francesca

Upper sign of the store at the Main St.

Malou and Elvene

 According to Rev. Keith, this storefront in Main St. used to be the worst part of downtown Ventura where some street people in the recessed entrance to the small shop were begging for money. It had most recently used as a drug rehabilitation recreation center, had been fumigated, and dead rats and cockroaches were spread among the cigarettes. As the place was hopeless mess, Francesca announced as "perfect" for angel store and that's what her dream was all about.
Elven showing the item to Irene as Malou take a look
Some visitors writing the message on a note and post in a wall

Prior to opening the store, Francesca had a recurring dreams where she would find herself walking outside and looking skyward and that the clouds would open to reveal hundreds of beautiful angels as she smiled at them, and they would smile back at her.

Me, making my own request to the angels
Some of the angel items in the store
Entrance to the art gallery of Andy Lakey

Andy Lakey, a prolific angel artist passed away in Oct. 4, 2012

Author of Doors In Heaven Keith Richardson explains the artwork of Andy Lakey

On the other hand, Rev. Keith published a book "Doorsways to Heaven" traces how he and his wife Francesca start an unlikely angel gift store and go on to sell art by the world famous angel artist Andy Lakey. It shows how people lives are touched by this art and describes angelic encounters, miraculos healings and communication with lost loved ones.
Some discussion with Rev. Keith Richardson inside the art gallery
Feeling the spiritual energy of the art.
Some of the angels display

Andy Lakey, a self taught artist became comatose, woke up and proceeded to make a prolific angel paintings and wood carvings but he passed away on October 4, 2012 with his spiritual energy paintings displayed at "Things From Heaven" angel store.
Irene, Elven with angel store owner Francesca and Rev. Keith
Rev. Keith showing us around the store explaining where they get the angels
Malou making her own wishes

On the rear side of the store you can find the Andy Lakey Art Gallery and in the walls before the entrance door are the letters to the angels posted in a wall that visitors hoping that their wishes are granted and according to my friend several prayer requests of the visitors who come miles away, miraculously happened when they go to the store to write messages on a little piece of paper and pray.
Elven and Irene's writing down their wishes
The front of the store at the Main St.

We went inside the gallery where we had some great discussions with Rev Keith about the angel store and Andy Lakey's paintings. We've also seen the video featured on CBS about Andy Lakey's experience when he woke up from being a comatose, that doctors said he may not wake up but he had 20 plus more years since the incident happened.

As soon as we touch his paintings in a wall, we felt there was a spiritual energy running to our hands and face. We bought some angel key chains, angel protection pocket items and I bought Archangel Michael's deck card by Doreen Virtue.

 Visiting the angel store "Things From Heaven" was our last stop in Ventura, and also we went to former U.S. President Ronald Reagan Museum and Library before my friends dropped me off in Anaheim.

Helpful links:

Sameera Chathuranga

2 Responses So Far:


Beautiful & amazing journey!!!

Unknown said...

I own a signed original Angel Painting by Andy Lakey. Love to sell it..anyone interested?