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Monday, September 24, 2012

Earthdance 2012

I had the chance to witness the Earthdance event on September 23, 2012 at The Arts in The City, in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. Earthdance is the largest synchronized dance event in the world started in 1996 with a vision to unite the whole world through the universal platform of dance and music.

I went in the event around 5p.m after I accompanied my sister to Pasay to get the package from my brother's friend who just arrived from Dubai. Riding my sister's car, she dropped me off to The Fort. I have seen some familiar faces there, and they were some of my friend's lists in my Facebook account.

I enjoyed the night with foods, wine drinking as the event filled with dances and music and we decided to go home at past 9 in the evening.

I learned this event through an invitation from one of my Facebook friend, who invited me two months ago.

Sameera Chathuranga

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