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Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Small Voice

There is a small voice within me that is wanting to speak and waiting to be heard that echos in my heart. The words which need to express and let it be spoken. That fear in me is the one that is stopping me to say all the things I have to say, but when these words are release, what a great joy it could bring to my heart. I am afraid, even though what my heart is saying could be true, because that might probably hurt me. A small voice that is part of me whispering I found something I wasn't looking for, when I was least expecting it.

That small voice is also a music to my ear but the melody is unsung but when it is played in my heart, I  hoping someone would listen to it. As the small voice awakens me, sometimes it brings happiness and sometimes it brings sadness.

I can't convince that small voice in me to speak out, but maybe it is not the right time yet to say these unspoken words in my heart. Let my small voice speak up when the right time comes.

Sameera Chathuranga

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