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Friday, April 13, 2012

Riding A Ferry from Balanacan Port in Mogpog, Marinduque

I had to go early to Balanacan port in Mogpog, Marinduque to catch up for the 4p.m. ferry boat ride going to Lucena, Quezon. This was an alternative port if you can't make it in an early ride from Kawit port in Boac.

From Boac, it takes approximately 30 minutes travel time to reach Balanacan port via jeepney ride.

In Balancan port, outside the terminal were awaiting passengers piled up patiently to pay their terminal fee so they can go inside the waiting lounge as the ferry had still to arrive yet.

The ferry was ready for embarkation as soon as it arrived to the port. The gangway was open to accommodate the passengers as some of the vehicles line up outside waiting for their turn to park inside the ferry.

As thousand of passengers came, all seats have been taken and I decided to go upstair and stay at the top of the ship.

One of those people I met on board are a group of young people who stayed in Marinduque for 8 days. They called themselves as "Malabon Tugs." Some of them are not really from Malabon, but they wanted to label themselves as the Malabon Tugs. Interesting though, as they were very energetic during the entire ride from the ferry.

So here are some of the photos of my interesting experiences of riding a ferry boat from Balanacan port, Mogpog, Marinduque to Dalahican, Lucena.

The Malabon Tugs 

The Malabon Tugs relaxing in a life raft

Malabon Tugs posing at the rear, port side of the Ferry

One of the Malabon tugs standing at the life raft
Some of the passengers standing at the portside of the ferry
Love Boat??
All seats are taken
Biglang Awa Shrine in Balanacan port before the ferry left the port

The child in a ferry

Sameera Chathuranga

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