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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Volunteering for Humanity Works

housing projects
For the past few weeks I promised myself to take part in the humanitarian work by signing up as one of the volunteers with Smug and Habitat for Humanity. While I'm finding myself in the midst of emotional roller-coaster,  I had to feed my soul that is wanting to give service to others the best way I can. It's not about my predicament why I was doing this. It's time to give back and be thankful to the blessings that I received from God.

I coordinated with Tracey Heppner who initiated the project between Smug and Habitat for Humanity and she picked me up using her car in Mega Mall at six in the morning. So we went to Navotas where the housing projects are located.

We started the project with the help of the site engineer by the name of Jun who gave us the direction where to start the work.

Tracey trying to convince the kids for the photo shots
From there we were moving the hollow blocks by using a cart to the humanity site we were volunteering this morning. As we found the activity exhausting, we stopped at around eight in the morning and went to see the site engineer in his office to give us the direction where the family recipients of the house are located.

My camera loves this teenager

The second part of the activity was to go to the houses to take some photo shots among the families visited.
I gave some candies to the children

We went from house to house and took some shots of the family and crowds so we would have some photo print outs to give out through the Habitat for Humanity. I bought some candies for children in that small village so one by one I gave them these candies.
One of the families at the site

To volunteer for humanity works was fulfilling and fun in spite of the heat of the sun scorching our bodies.
construction worker

Tracey dropped me off in Cubao. It was nice working with her and I'm looking forward to be involved in some of the humanitarian projects.

Sameera Chathuranga

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