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Monday, April 9, 2012

Holy Week in Marinduque

I must say that my trip in Marinduque was more on reflection and I was renewed after celebrating the Moriones Festival in Boac.

From Dalahican port in Lucena, Quezon, I took the 12:15 trip via Sta Cruz port as the next ship to Kawit leaves by 4p.m. Kawit is a nearby town in Boac and is an accessible path going to the town proper. I arrived Boac at 6p.m. Thurday after a one and a half Jeepney drive from the Port of Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

ferry ride from Dalahican port to Sta Cruz, Marinduque

Good Friday

I've waited the Senakulo to pass by the streets in Boac and few hours later my waiting time paid off in spite of the heat of the sun as I was able to capture the scene with my camera successfully.

My activity did not stop there. I went to a procession in the night of Good Friday.


Parade in the streets of Boac

Procession on Good Friday
Black Saturday

Saturday was a visit to a town of Buenavista, an hour jeepney ride from Boac. Late in the afternoon I went to Gasan and took a sunset shot as part of my photo safari. The activity was done after six that I was not able to catch the last jeepney ride back to Boac. I took the colorum tricycle with some of the passengers till we've reached Kawit where there were more tricycles available going to the town of Boac.

One of my sunset shots in Gasan, Marinduque

Reyes Park in Gasan
The hanging bridge in Gasan
Then I left Boac by Sunday afternoon to Balanacan Port as I was going home back to Manila.

Sameera Chathuranga

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