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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Batanes Day 5: Riding Like Hell on Faluwa Boat ride in Sabtang Island

I woke up as early as 5:30 in the morning of November 26, 2011 just to catch up for a jeepney ride going to Itbud. There's only a single way going to Ivana where the port to Sabtang is located. And this is the same route to Itbud but it just happened that the fiesta was taking place in the town of Itbud and according to the people, lots of jeepneys shall be available during the fiesta.

Faluwa boat
I had a coffee at Honesty Coffee Shop where I met a tour guide by the name of Tita and two lady travelers from Manila. We ride on the boat and the sea was rough in heading up to Sabtang.

The sea was rough going to Sabtang. It was a 30 minute ride bound to Sabtang but going back to Batan was almost an hour as we experienced a rougher sea this time. Riding Faluwa with big waves is like riding to hell as it almost swallowed the small boat. I was wet because the water went inside the boat as big waves hit the faluwa. The people who maneuver the boat was relaxed and seemed that a situation like this was normal to them. They know how to balance the boat as it hits the faluwa. I thought that I was brave enough considering my ship experience traveling in the Pacific Ocean. I was just praying that we would reach back safely.

In Chavaya Island, I had the chance to meet the oldest person in Batanes, Mang Marcelo was already 104 years old.
104 year old Mang Marcelo


Sameera Chathuranga

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