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Friday, November 25, 2011

Batanes Day 3: Marlboro Country to Itbud

The tricycle guide fetched me as early as seven in the morning from Ivatan Lodge. I transferred from Shanedel Inn to a new lodge because I would be staying for 7 days in Batanes so that it would not cost me a lot in terms of lodging. Being a backpacker, it's quite practical though to have a very affordable accommodation that you can stay in the entire week.

I instructed the guide to once again drop me first to the lighthouse just to get a glimpse of it during the morning. This time I went inside and had to go up just to see the 360 degree full view of the place. It was windy and cold!

A few minutes later I came up with a decision to go to the Rolling Hills, it was too high and the road was steep but once you get there, you'll be able to feel its serenity.

It was breath-taking! Honestly, I've never been to the highest peak of the mountain, but with this place, it was just amazing and such a feeling of calmness brushes away all the stresses that I had. Feeling renewed with all the positive energies flowing through my body.
Pacita Fundacion

Then we came down and it was time to visit Pacita Fundacion in Tukon Hills. A popular destination in the island of Batan. A charming resort in Basco, the capital of Batanes.

Before proceeding to Marlboro Country, we came to a stop, they call it View Deck, when going to Mahatao. Unfortunately, I did not go down in the stairs because the wind was too strong and that was too much of a risk already.
View Deck
You can't miss it if you are going to Mahatao and Ivana.

And finally, we have reached the Marlboro Country! This is one of the most sought destination where tourists can't miss to visit. Since the wind was so strong, it was hard to take a photo if you bring along a tripod. It can't stand without holding it too tight but I found the best way to take a shot by simply holding your camera and not setting your dslr into a manual mode. Some of the results were blurry, but in spite of the wind I got some few good shots.
Marlboro Country
More about Day 3 coming up next....

Sameera Chathuranga

2 Responses So Far:

www.ann-d-explorer.com said...

i am taking notes...excited much! i want to go to that view deck!

john said...

yes Ann..just be careful when you go to view deck, it's too windy.