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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Batanes Day 3: Marlboro Country to Itbud (continuation)

Abandoned U.S. headquarter
After spending a few moments in Marlboro Country, the driver brought me to a place that according to him, the buildings used to be U.S. Headquarters. We went down to the shore to get some photos as the seas continue to roar. The strong wind commands the sea water to the shore and reaches my tripod while it was installed in the sand. Sadly, I never had a good shot even just one as a quality souvenir. We went up to the hill again where the tricycle had parked and finally along the way we've reached Itbud.

Some of the abandoned buildings used to be US headquarter


One of the old houses in Itbud made of pebble stones
It's a small town south of Basco, it happened to be fiesta on Saturday. There were some old houses made of pebble stones and according to the people who I talked in Basco, there were only few houses made of stone left in Itbud and exploring Sabtang island would be ideal, and you'll find lots of them in Chavaya.

Meeting Lola Ida at the Old House in Ivana

Oldest house in Batanes where lola Ida lived since 1935
85 year old Lola Ida
We stopped to the oldest house in Ivana and met Lola Ida, whose name I've learned from the blogger I've searched in the internet. She was already 85 years old. Lola Ida had an athritis. She said she lived there since 1935. I've also learned that this house had been existing since 1887. My heart melted  away the moment I saw Lola Ida because she felt sickly and she also said she lived there alone.

Giving her something as present when visiting the old house would help her in her daily needs.

Vatang Grill

Vatang Grill
Along the way back to Mahatao, we had lunch in Vatang Grill, a famous resto in the island of Batan. It's the only restaurant that you can find in the hi-way. I had chicken curry, yellow rice, meat sauce and fish lumpia.

We rested for a while and went to the beach to have another photo shoots. Honestly, Batanes is a place where everything is a worth shooting for. The historical sites, mountains, shores and people make up the whole thing to give you a reason to get some photos as much as you can.

Before going back to the town, we had a few stop-overs, mostly in the shores where some photos were taken. Sadly, I never had some good shots as some of them was blurred. Then the driver dropped me to Ivatan Lodge and I rested for a while.

Sameera Chathuranga

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