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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Singapore's Char Kway Teo Noodles

It's been a while since the last time I wrote about foods and today, I went to Robinson's Galleria mall in Ortigas Center. And just like any usual, when I am hungry either I go to food court or I would walk around to find a fine dining restaurant. A restaurant which had always caught my attention each time I pass by is Nasi Lemak Singapore Food Republic where they serve Singaporean, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Malaysian foods. The restaurant had always been a lot of customers compared to its competing neighbors, that's why out of curiosity about its food, I dined in to satiate my cravings.

I got the hot and sour soup first as part of my traditional taste when I go to authentic restaurant but their servings did not really meet my expectation because it wasn't the taste that came out I expected to be like other Chinese restaurants had. The taste is not really bad at all, but comparing to other restaurants which serve the same soup, I have my lists which you have to go with in terms of serving an authentic soup.

I also got the appetizer, a crispy baby squid but the taste is good and is quite reasonable for the price, but it's not the usual appetizer that I'd love to eat. I don't have any idea how they cook it, but it seems like it was over fried.

The main entree was served and I got Char Kway Teo Noodles with crunchy bean sprouts, peanuts, scrambled eggs and chinese sausages. It's one of their best selling delicacies served to their customers. But to my surprise, it wasn't the noodle that I really wanted to eat at all. It might be the noodle that some people would like to eat, but honestly it's not what I really like to eat in terms of eating a noodle.

Well as for the price, it's quite reasonable but better try some of their best selling delicacies instead of this noodle.

Sameera Chathuranga

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