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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Heading Up to Global City

It happened to be Independence Day in The US as I head up to Global City and I was surprised to see the big development that went through as far as the real estate is concerned. A lot of buildings have been built as it continues as the place has become more progressive and that was pretty fast to see how it is being developed. Shopping centers have a wide array and I was too quick to remind me the last time I visited Sta. Monica in California about more than two years ago. What comes in to my mind, is we have some beautiful cities in the island, not considering the southern part of the country yet. The other side of me tells me how ironical it is that Philippines is a poor country that dozens of buildings are built including high rise condominiums which an average wage earner could not even afford to buy a piece of land taking more than 10 years of savings before a person could buy one and that is if he or she have a saving around 3k a month. Huhh....that was pretty tough. What about your daily expenses a day such as foods, utility and transportation cost.

I went to the mall at the same spot where different classes of people spend time shopping, strolling and dining. Unlike in the outside part where you can see few people walking and to my impression are those who belong to either A and B class in Serrendra. Global City is more developed and something new to a person who quite to seldom see or visit the place. So in the mall, I had a dinner in an inevitable resto at Mann Hann which I forgot to write down what I have ordered, hahah...it's something like a mixed seafoods with veggies.

So it's time for me to go home by 7pm but was caught in the traffic as it happened to be in a rush hour. Then I came to a stop to the Shang mall for a bit of rest.

Sameera Chathuranga

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