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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pushing Through with the Plans

We are now in the month of August and nearing the "ber" months. And as soon as we reach next month, we hear Christmas songs again played in the radio. I have a mixed feeling about it. But I am quite excited about the imminent event as each year when Christmas season comes, we get to connect this festivity with reunion with friends and families. And we know how important the upcoming holiday to the Filipinos as the celebration has been part of our culture. We can say that this is the most celebrated event of the year because as soon as the month of September takes place, some people already start to put a Christmas decoration, start to jot down things to be bought and ultimately expecting the 13th month day to be released as early as possible. As the season is just around the corner, it makes me wonder about each passing year as it's a wonderful feeling to reminisce about those good old days. And we know how kids love the Christmas season.

Okay, what's my next plan just before the holiday season comes? And speaking of travel, I would have to say to minimize it in the meantime  since we are in the months when typhoons are more active. I really love to go out places and yet, I was thinking about the rains as this would only stale my time to enjoy the place, just like what happened to my past trip in Baguio.

This year for me promises with lots of local travel as I started the year with a bang, from Bicol to Baguio. But I have never reach the peak of my plan yet as far as traveling is concerned. My greatest obsession for this year is to visit Batanes Islands. Let's see if it pushes through, I believe though, that it would come to materialize.

Sameera Chathuranga

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