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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baguio City Part 2

I was in Baguio City the second time around in the month of May and such purpose was implemented two weeks after the first one transpired. The weather was a bit colder and is manageable, as the summer capital of the Philippines is experiencing isolated rains in the afternoon which prevented us from going out from the hotel that we stayed. Occasionally there's a rain shower during the three-day stay in the city.

Session road, as always, is crowded as I can see some tourists surfing the main road as most of the restaurants can be found in this area. I bet your tour will not be complete without walking to the Session road because the cathedral lies in the city and is also considered as one of the tourist spots in the Pines City. But there's absolutely some places that I've missed to visit as time is short to complete everything.

Some places are truly educational, like when I get to visit how the weaving is done by the manufacturer. Scarves are one of the authentic products that show its culture, so I had a chance to visit the two manufacturing sites. The first one lies in the city itself, and the second one is in the outskirt, located in La Trinidad. These are hand-made woven,with special threads are used and according to the manager, it takes almost three months to complete the production of scarves. Usually they are thick and rough when you touch it with your hand. Their scarves are export quality and is not really commercialized as most of the common scarves are seen in the shops or boutiques.

If there's one place in the Philippines that I would like to live and rusticate, I would consider Baguio because of its cool weather that would probably shut off your stress, foods are not expensive especially when you like vegetables which are absolutely fresh, and you can find transportation cheap. Seems like I didn't want to return to Manila yet as two nights stay are not enough to have my body satiate with a stronger vigor.

Sameera Chathuranga

2 Responses So Far:

kimanster said...

Hi, do you have an idea how much the woven scarf costs? Thanks! :)

john said...

Hello Kimanster,

Thanks for visiting my site.. If I remember it right I think it's 90 to 100 pesos or 2 to $3..that was 3 years ago. The price might have gone up already.

