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Monday, February 6, 2017

What Made Me Think to Write Again

It's been five months since my last writing in this blog. But to those who read my blog, please allow me to greet you a Happy New Year, and to be more profound, I would say Happy Rooster Year! I know this sounds ridiculous because it is already the first week of February.

I have seldom right blog over the past two years, but I really want to congratulate myself since my personal blog existed in 2009 when I was in California where I used my card to buy this domain.  This domain was actually repurchased that year because originally my domain name was purchased as early as 2006, a time when I still work at the Business Process Outsourcing or BPO Comapny.  It was discontinued a year later then tried to buy it back in 2009 which fortunately this domain became available again.

Several reasons I want to write again.  First is to bring on my travel experience, Second is to share any topic that I may found quite interesting.  And finally my blog serves as an outlet to burst anything that has something to do with emotions.  In short, it is quite obvious that this is also a hub for something that is personal for me.

I always wanted to say that nothing is wrong to write personal things and what I just said is this will always serve as my outlet.

From the point when I seldom write until today, I have learned so much things.  The things that made me change, and perhaps becoming a better person, some things are my personal experience in life.

In that period of lying low to writing, I've seen myself grow, the moment when I stumbled and fall, the good things that came which God gave me to appreciate, small or great, the people who came into my life, the people who came back to me which all of these inceptions have so much learning to beacon.  Also this is not to say that writing is about I, ME and Myself only.

In the last two years, there were dreams and revelation where time and space collide and made me think deeper.

I want to write again, and this time all of the profound experience that I can share with because I know there are also people out there who may resonate with what I am going to write.

Well it feels like I am a better writer now and it's time to be that person of someone that I can write things better than before.

Sameera Chathuranga

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